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2010/01/07 11:35:35瀏覽333|回應0|推薦0


服務生: Good evening. How many people are going to have dinner tonight?

顧客 A : Three, thank you.

服務生: Please follow me this way. ( 帶位 )

服務生: Have a seat, please. ( 服務生拿點菜單、顧客坐下 )

服務生: Are you ready to order?

顧客 B : Yes. I’d like to try the Tomato Mushrooms Pasta and some coke.

服務生: How about you, sir?

顧客 C : I want a Cheesy Beef Pizza.

服務生: What would you like to drink?

顧客 C : I want some coke, thanks.

服務生: And what do you feel like, sir?

顧客 A : I want the Venetian Seafood Pasta and a cup of Nestle Lemon Tea.

服務生: You are welcome. ( 送菜單 )

( 送餐 )

服務生: Enjoy your meals.

顧客 B : Wow! I can’t believe it! Their Tomato Mushrooms Pasta is really good, especially the dressing.

顧客 A : Yeah, my pasta is quite delicious as well.

顧客 C : You can say that again! I’ve never have such a tasty pasta before.

( 愉快的享用餐點 )

顧客 C : Waiter, the bill, please!

服務生: How do you like your meals tonight?

顧客 A : They are wonderful!

顧客 B : Yes, we love the food so much!

服務生: I’m glad you like our food. And we hope to see you again very soon. Have a nice evening.

顧客 A+B+C : Good bye!




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