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2011/05/20 09:32:59瀏覽354|回應1|推薦1
我們很少被教導如何面對困境, 但,這卻是人生很重要的課題, 不怕境磨,才能創造自己的天堂路. 平安- 也是一種幸福吧! 父母的凱歌 對小孩來說 可能會有些 沉重!

My friend's daughter got an admission at MIT, but her Mom want her to study tuition free State college then go to MIT for graduate school. She is not happy at all plus she is only one child at her family so no other brother/sister to talk to. I hope she won't kill herself.

I feel so bad for a single child, she has a lot of money but she is still missing something.

My daughter has a lot of friends who are also single child and always asks my daughter to play with them during weekend. I have to tell them that she has brother and family time during weekend and can't have a play day all the time.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2011/05/21 23:55

現在美國大學學費真是天價  確實會影響決定

不過親子之間在申請前  要先溝通  取得共識

我個人覺的  如果不想供孩子讀貴的學校  最好不要申請 

免得孩子努力以赴以後  家裡又不支持  那真會影響親子關係

每一個家庭都有自己的標準  很多時候不是對錯

而是合宜  在體諒與祝福中  讓大學不是頭痛 或傷害 

Yayawww(yayawww) 於 2011-06-04 10:13 回覆:
You are so wisdom, I respect you! Thanks for a lesson.
I and my husband always has opposite opinions. I think my son can take care student loan. Ha Ha