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Beer Note 00613 - Fuller's Past Masters Double Stout
2013/01/24 03:10:47瀏覽381|回應0|推薦1

Fuller’s Past Masters Double Stout, 7.4%abv. (Foreign/Export Stout)

Purchased from Fuller’s online shop; BB 19/04/2014, served cool in a tulip-shaped sniffer. Note: The beer label describes this beer brewed according to a recipe back on 4th August 1893, ‘a time when “stout” meant “strong”’.

4/5 Appearance: pours a super dark brown colour, coming with constant streams of fine carbonation and a slowly retreating frothy tan head.

4/5 Smell: typical of a potent, high-octave Stout, the oily rich treacle and bittersweet chocolates with a hint of banana oil or tar are firmly supported by syrupy dates, sweetened roast walnuts, vanilla beans, sweet smoky woodiness, and ripe citric fruitiness from Goldings-like hops. Overall, the sweetness is well-balanced by a sound acidity, while the smell is dense, pleasantly roast-malty, and fruity all at the same time.

4.5/5 Taste: medium-bodied sweet nuttiness and sweet coffee flavours come upfront, coupled with a hint of chocolates, oily rich dates, then the palate is overwhelmed by a wave of chewy, herbal-tannic and pleasantly dried-rind spicy hoppy aftertaste that is simultaneously roasty bitter as of from black malts or roasted barley. Aromatically charred-woody, burned-nutty and leather-ish in the finish, with a wee touch of warming alc. creeping down the throat.

5/5 Mouthfeel & 5/5 Drinkability: the mouthfeel is just superb – the fine carbonation supports a mellow, smooth palate rendered by the complex yet well-structured flavour profile, beautifully balanced b/w sweetness, bitterness and acidity on top of a full body; this potent, ‘stout’ Double Stout is reminiscent of one’s so-called “Foreign/Export Stout” or “Russian Imperial Stout” (is there any academically-defined difference b/w the two???), that it is rich, complex, worth slowly sipping almost like a liquor and yet ever so… quaffable due to the sound hop profile. I personally think it shall be a fun task of the season to do a comparison b/w this ale and Fuller’s London Porter, why not (it’s scribbled down in my beer diary now!)??

--Yau (17/01/2013)

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