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2012/02/26 01:02:58瀏覽891|回應1|推薦37

我想全世界只有印度人用星星的名字來命名一星期中的每一天(純於猜測). 這之於我是相當新奇的, 比起簡單的星期一二三四五六日, 這些名子是要難記又難唸了許多. 不過倒是覺得很有意思, 因為馬上你就可以知道今天是那顆星主導, 今日在這顆星的影響之下你要吃些什麼, 做些什麼, 穿什麼顏色的衣服, 帶什麼寶石才會為自身招來福氣與財富.


還有印度人除了大節日或節月會作斷食之外, 幾乎每個人一禮拜至少斷食一次. 個人依照自己特別崇敬的神選那天作斷食. 若是想求財的, 會在禮拜四財神的日子作斷食. 吃些黃色的食物, 穿黃色衣服


斷食其實並不是什麼都不吃, 而是以可以吃斷食的食物. :牛奶, 根莖類蔬菜, 水果, 希米露你若是要完全不吃也是可以, 並沒有硬性規定. 主決權完全是在個人.


印度人從古流傳下來許多宗教故事與神的節日要人们作斷食, 其背後真正的目的為何? 其真實性不可考, 但是跟據科學的考量, 很有可能是古時受過教育的智者, 藉著這些故事在引導所有無知沒有受過教育的大眾. 在天氣不好的時後, 如雨季, 或是夏季,多作斷食有助身体健康. 在每星期斷食至少一次, 用作清腸排毒.   


下面是每日之星, 很有意思的. 拿來參考一下吧!




禮拜一 Monday (Somvar): 月神 Moon God (Chandra)


Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. On this day, he is worshipped along with his consort goddess Parvati. Though, of course, as is the custom, Lord Ganesha is venerated right at the beginning of the worship. Devotees also listen to Shiva Bhajans on this day.


Color & Gem:


White is the preferred color of the day and Pearl the preferred gem.


Celestial Body:


The Moon (Chandra) rules Monday


禮拜二 Tuesday (Mangalvar): 火星神  Mars (Mangala) 

Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Hanuman. In South India, the day is dedicated to Skanda , aka Muruga or Kartikeya. Devotees also listen to Hanuman Chalisa, songs dedicated to the simian deity, on this day.


Color & Gem:


People wear red-colored clothes on Tuesdays and offer red flowers to Lord Hanuman. 'Moonga' is the preferred gem of the day.


Celestial Body:


Mars (Mangal) rules Tuesdays.



禮拜三 Wednesday (Budhvar):  水星神 Mercury (Budh)


Wednesday is dedicated to Lord Krishna, and is also associated with Lord Vithal, an incarnation of Krishna. In some places Lord Vishnu is also worshipped. Devotees listen to Krishna Bhajans on this day.

Color & Gem:


The color green is the preferred color and Onyx and Emerald the preferred gems.


Celestial Body:


It is the day of the planet Budh (Mercury), who is often considered compassionate and generous.





禮拜四 Thursday (Guruvar):  木星神 Jupitar (Vrihaspati)

Thursday is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Lord Brihaspati, the guru of gods. Hence, this day is called Vrihaspativar, after the apportioned god. Thursday is also popularly known as Guruvar. Devotees listen to devotional songs, such as "Om Jai Jagadish Hare" dedicated to Lord Vishnu on this day.



Color & Gem:


Yellow is the color of the day and the preferred gems are Sapphire and Pokhraj.


Celestial Body:


The planet Jupiter (Vrihaspati) rules Thursday.



禮拜五 Friday (Shukravar):  金星神 Venus (Shukra)


Friday or Shukravar is dedicated to Shakti, the Mother Goddess, and Santoshi Mata, an incarnation of Shakti. Goddesses Durga and Kali are worshipped with utmost devotion and devotees flock to the Shakti temples on this day. Devotees listen to Durga Aarti, Kali Aarti and Santoshi Mata Aarti on this day.


Color & Gem:


White, Indigo, orange, violet, purple and burgundy colors are preferred on Friday. Diamond is the preferred gem.


Celestial Body:


Venus or Shukra rules Friday.





禮拜六 Saturday (Shanivar): 土星神 Saturn (Shani)

Saturday is dedicated to the fearful god Shani, who is one of the Navagrahas - or nine planets. He is represented as a deity carrying bow and arrows and riding a crow or a vulture.



Color & Gem:


Blue and black are the preferred colors. Blue gems, such as, blue sapphire, black iron rings made of horse-shoe are worn to ward off Shani.


Celestial Body:

The planet Saturn or Shani rules Saturday



禮拜天 Sunday (Ravivar):  太陽神 Sun God (Surya) 


Sunday is dedicated to Lord Surya or Suryanarayana - the Sun God.



 Color & Gem:


Red and pink are the color of the day and ruby the preferred gem.


Celestial Body:


Sun or Surya rules Sunday.
















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2012/03/04 20:21
巧的是: 他們也用日月與五大行星, 或謂五行.