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2006/12/16 22:18:39瀏覽240|回應0|推薦12 | |
太冷了,但還是早早起來,冒著寒風細雨趕去長春戲院,看早場的〔吹動大麥的風〕。 雖然之前看過DVD,但還是想看完整流暢的中文字幕和大銀幕上遼闊的愛爾蘭原野。 幸好是十排的小廳,坐的又是中間的位置,前方無人影阻擋,令人可全心舒適地投入電影中。 過程中,一直保持冷靜的,直到戴米恩執行槍決告密者前,呢喃了幾句: 「我學了五年的解剖學,現在居然用在這裡。而克里斯,我是看著他長大的,現在卻要槍決他...希望愛爾蘭真值得如此。」說完,便決然逕赴「刑場」。 於是,我還是掉淚了,連綿到劇末。 當戲散,咱最後一個步出戲院,走在細雨紛飛中,天冷,心更冷。 想起了導演Ken Loach在坎城得獎時,曾說過的一句名言:If we dare to tell the truth about the past, perhaps we shall dare tell the truth about the present.(一旦我們敢於說出歷史真相,也許我們就敢於說出當下的真相。) ... 來到咖啡館給自己來杯熱巧克力定定神、暖暖身。才不久,便接到susan的來電,直嚷雨天真無聊,想找人出來走走。 於是離開了咖啡館,坐上susan的車,陪她去行天宮拜拜。 她說老闆最近的運氣挺背的,數千萬的資金扣在美國,不知怎麼辦,令她也不禁憂心前途,於是想跑去廟裡拜一下,順便卜個運勢。 幸好,花了五百元,算命說的話讓她篤定許多。於是又開心地載我去新店吃火鍋啦~~~~~ 湯湯水水地吃完後,便打道回府,真是累了,想來年紀大咯,玩個大半天就想回家當沙發馬鈴薯。 然,走在歸途中,一想起電影,偶又不禁悲傷起來,也記起劇中第一場葬禮後,一婦女吟唱起這首愛爾蘭歌謠-The Wind That Shakes the Barley I sat within the valley green I sat me with my true love. My sad heart strove the two between The old love and the new love. The old for her the new That made me think on Ireland dearly. While the soft wind blew down the glade and shook the golden barley. T'was hard the woeful words to frame To break the ties that bound us. But harder still to bear the shame of foreign chains around us. And so I said the mountain glen I'll meet at morning early. And I'll join the bold united men While soft winds shook the barley. T'was sad I kissed away her tears My fond arm round her flinging. When a foe, man's shot burst on our ears From out the wild woods ringing. A bullet pierced my true love's side In life's young spring so early. And on my breast in blood she died While soft winds shook the barley. But blood for blood without remorse I've ta'en at oulart hollow. I've lain my true love's clay like corpse Where I full soon must follow. Around her grave I've wandered drear Noon, night, and morning early. With breaking heart when e'er I hear The wind that shakes the barley. ... |
( 休閒生活|雜記 ) |