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2006/05/14 17:14:16瀏覽262|回應0|推薦5 | |
剛躺在床上重讀幾段〔風之影〕,突然讓我想起多年前曾著迷的英國影集-〔拾夢記〕,因為兩者的情節氛圍實在挺像的。 一個年輕男孩在私校裡結識了一位行為特異的貴族同學,當相知成莫逆之後,進而認識了對方的家人,從此和這家人牽牽絆絆,留下悽愴的結局。 記得是先從報端裡得知這部在歐美打得火熱的影集,進而在兩三年後,咱才能在電視上看見。Jeremy Irons主演的,那時他多年輕啊~把特有的憂傷和神經質表現地到位,我仍記得最後一幕,當他深愛的Julia終棄他而去時,他坐在階梯上蒼白欲泣的表情... 後來,又是一次偶然,知道更早幾年,皇冠出版社已出中譯本,書名為〔夢斷白莊〕,哎,要不是看了英文書名,真難想到指的是同一個故事。就像第一次在報上有人提及時,譯為〔興仁嶺重臨記〕,電視的劇名則成了〔拾夢記〕。其實英文原名為-〔Brideshead Revisited〕,作者為知名的Evelyn Waugh,他的很多本著作都曾拍成電影呢! 想起了這部影集後,便一時興起翻爬書櫃,發現它仍躺在那兒,真好!得再來好好重讀一番。 但讀了前言簡介,則又想起Dennis De Young的一首老歌:Desert Moon,歌詞挺貼切的: "Is this the train to Desert Moon?" was all she said but I knew I'd heard that stranger's voice before. I turned to look into her eyes, but she moved away She was standing in the rain Trying hard to speak my name They say first love never runs dry The way to put our memories in a tiny cup We stumbled over words we longed to hear We talked about the dreams we'd lost, or given up When the whistle caught the night And shook silence from my life As the last train rolled to'rd the moon I still can hear the whisper of the summer nights It echoes in the corners of my heart The night is true and waiting for the desert train All the words we meant to say All the chances swept away Still remain on the road to undo Those summer nights, when we were young We bragged of things we'd never done We were dreamers, only dreamers Moments pass, and time moves on But dreams remain for just as long as there's dreamers all the dreamers On Desert Moon 線上試聽: http://www.amazon.com/gp/music/clipserve/B00002DDNL001002/0/ref=mu_sam_wma_001_002/002-7112471-4747241 從〔風之影〕想起這些個,哎,咱還真會牽拖! |
( 休閒生活|雜記 ) |