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2016/11/24 19:13:40瀏覽781|回應0|推薦0 | |
ETGBC Discover Beitou Park: (6) Hot 北投溫泉博物館 「北投溫泉公共浴場」 The 外觀採用英國維多利亞式建造,有兩層樓房,一樓外牆以清水磚造,有著厚實歐洲外牆,二樓牆面以英國式斜面木造雨淋板為主,屋頂設有大片氣窗供空氣對流,仿英國鄉村建築設計上有煙囪、圓拱窗、迴廊、涼亭、望樓及彩繪玻璃窗。整棟建築之屋頂用日本文化瓦覆蓋。(魚鱗板)Clapboard The exterior Victorian style structure was classical design. It was built two floors. The ground floor built walls with the special bricks names 1913年 孫逸仙博士曾經拜訪過這裡。1923年又為了當時日本裕仁皇太子的大駕光臨。再度花費一萬七千圓擴大增建,使得這一座和洋相融、造型特殊浪漫的浴場,成為北投溫泉發展的里程碑,也是台灣最具代的溫泉建築。他不只是亞洲也是世界唯一。 In 1913 Dr. Sun Yat-sen had been to visit here .In 1923 to celebrate the imperial visit of Crown Prince Hirohito. The 在1996年通過古蹟指定,並在 In 1996 the government finally designated it as a historic monument site, and on October 31, 1998, the Museum was officially opened. It also became the first stop for visitors to the local ETGBC Discover Beitou Park: (7) HSM - History Welcome to Beitou Hot 北投的空氣是台北市最好的!因為在北投境內有許多山環繞著她,又有最好的溫泉,所以每天清晨有許多民眾前來登山、泡湯。 With the best quality of air and 許多溫泉飯店曾經走過往昔酒家鶯鶯燕燕的熱鬧時期,如今成為時髦的溫泉度假飯店,提供給民眾浪漫又健康的休閒。 A lot of hot spring hotels had once passed the hustle and bustle days with noisy Nakashi and twittering girls. But now, they have become fashionable hot spring hotels and resorts for leisure holidays and vacations, offering romantic and healthy recreations to the people who come here. 北投特有的~限時專送~摩托車,從早期接送飯店小姐,演變到現在接送民眾下山轉乘或買菜,也幫懶得出門的民眾買指定的零食,點心。 Particularly, there’s a very special prompt delivery service in Beitou area “The Express Motorcycle”. It was brought into the business in the old days, for the purpose of carrying in and out young ladies for hotels. Till now, it has developed into a convenient transportation or even a shopping and delivering service to the public. “臺語片的Hollywood“展覽室,展示著北投與臺語片中密切關係,早期北投溫泉旅館林立,景緻優美,富有情調,是臺語片的天然攝影棚,其中最具代表作是“溫泉鄉的吉他”更是全片在北投拍攝。 The showroom of "The Hollywood of Taiwanese Films", is showing the close relationship between Beitou and Taiwanese films in the old days. Back then, the hot spring hotels of Beitou stands in great numbers, the scenery is graceful and rich in sentimental views. It was the best natural studio for making Taiwanese Films. One of the masterpieces among them is “The Hot Spring Village Guitar", and the whole story was filmed in Beitou. ETGBC Discover Beitou Park: (8) HSM - Culture 有品質的泡湯文化 A quality bathing-pool culture 由二樓走進這一座日據時代遺留的三級古蹟,換上拖鞋,雙腳先行感受到溫泉博物館與眾不同的寧靜舒適感。席地坐在大廳那一大片寬敞的榻榻米上,沒有空調的開放式空間,飄來淡淡的硫磺味。 When you step into the second floor of this Grade 3 historic monument, this heirloom from the Japanese occupation, and slip on the slippers, your feet will be first to feel the coziness and tranquility that make the Hot Spring Museum stand out. On the main hall's floor sits an expansive tatami, and a hint of sulfur wafts through the naturally ventilated hall. 整個溫泉浴場的設計,充分利用天然環境,讓四周美景坐收眼底,讓溪流聲潺潺入耳,讓山風習習穿過榻榻米大廳,令人不禁全身放鬆,懷想起一九一三年的午後......。 The Hot Springs Baths were designed to take full advantage of their natural surroundings. With eye-catching natural scenery to all sides, the soothing trickling of the creek, and the mountain winds whispering across the tatami hall, the feeling of total relaxation is overwhelming, and one's mind is whisked back to 1913.... 「從這一個空間,我們可以感受到當時人泡溫泉是非常有『品質』的,」隨著北投溫泉的再復甦,附近超高大樓林立,正一點點遮去了北投溫泉博物館當初「設計」的好風景。 You can really tell from this room that the spring bathers here were of very high quality, the way the nearby trees have grown taller than the building since its renovation, slowly obscuring the scenery that was part of the Museum building's original design. ETGBC Discover Beitou Park: (9) HSM – Activity Room 北投社大資料 日本人活動大廳 在日據時期,日本人活動大廳做為泡湯後休閒及晚餐的處所,現在你們可以在通風良好的屋內欣賞北投山谷及公園壯麗的風景,屋後的地圖顯示最好用步行參觀北投,並且建議訪問時參觀一些日式建築及宗教建築, During the Japanese occupation, Japanese floor activity hall was the place for relax and dinning after bath. Now, you can take a panoramic view of the Beitou valleys and parks in this open indoor space with good ventilation. The map at the back of the room recommends that the best way to visit Beitou is by walk. It also recommends many Japanese architecture and religious architecture worth visiting in this area. A4 Multi-media Room 多媒體放映室 每天在固定時間,有多媒體影片介紹”北投歷史及文化”影片,介紹北投的歷史發展及工業文化,並且介紹如何由北投公共溫泉館轉型到北投溫泉博物館, “Beitou’s History and Culture” is displayed daily at regular basis via multi-media device. Video introduces the history of Beitou’s developments as well as Beitou’s industry and culture. Also, it illustrates how it transformed from the Beitou Hot Spring Public Bathhouse to Beitou‘s ETGBC Discover Beitou Park: (11) HSM – Hot Springs An Introduction of Beitou Hot Spring 北投座落於台灣北部大屯山火山匯集之處,目前火山活動早已停止,但”後火山”活動仍很旺盛。這種後火山活動產生了噴氣、溫泉、地震等現象。也就因此造就了北投”溫泉鄉”的美名 Situated at the Tatun Mountains, Northern part of Taiwan, Beitou got its reputation of “Hot Spring Village” because this mountain has a lot of volcanoes, currently most volcanoes are not active for many years, but the so called “post-volcanic” activities are still obvious every day, such as: steam air eruption, earthquake and hot spring. . 北投溫泉的名稱與成分大約可分為: 白磺:為酸性硫磺鹽泉,出現大多在惇敘高中西側谷地,從地下噴氣而出,再由人工注水加熱,以各式導管接出使用,本區名為:硫磺谷。另外在龍鳳谷也有這種類型的溫泉。
鐵磺:中性碳酸鹽泉,位於頂北投地區,名為龍鳳谷,泉水自然流出,溫度在45度C→60度C,行義路許多業者引用此水經營溫泉餐旅館。 青磺:為酸性硫酸鹽氯化物泉,位於”地熱谷”,水質清澈呈青綠色,具強烈腐蝕性,含有微量放射性元素,據說這種溫泉對於有風濕或關節炎的患者特別有舒緩的療效!著名的”北投石”即產於此地,水溫能 達80度C→100度C,新北投地區大多使用此水。 Green Sulfur: At the" Geothermal Valley" or nickname as" Hell Valley", the hot spring turns out clear, with a hint of blue-green color, contains traces of radioactive elements, temperature can goes up to
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