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2017/04/21 17:40:19瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0

Reports indicate that Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood is ready to tie the knot to fiance Matt Baier. The two have been together for quite some time now, and there have been plenty of rumors swirling here and there about the state of their relationship. However, now Portwood is sharing news indicating that the two have set a wedding date. What’s the scoop?

Us Weekly reveals that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier’s wedding will take place this fall on October 13. The controversial Teen Mom OG stars will reportedly get married in Indiana near their current home and Portwood indicates that she is looking to go vintage with her wedding gown. Amber says she wants to find a 40s-style couture gown and she notes that she will then make some adjustments to give it her own flair.

Portwood and Baier’s wedding is just the latest in the land of Teen Mom weddings over the course of the past few months. Amber’s co-star Maci Bookout wed Taylor McKinney last fall in Florida, and Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska married Cole DeBoer last fall as well. Fans will have to wait and see if Amber and Gary’s wedding will be able to compare to the events that Chelsea and Maci put together for their big days if it does indeed take place.

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The news of Amber’s wedding date to Matt comes amid some buzz that has been swirling about the state of this Teen Mom OG relationship. Granted, rumors that they are in trouble or even that they have split are nothing new for Portwood and Baier, and they have always been consistent in denying there were any substantial problems.

This time, as InTouch details, the talk is that Amber attacked Matt and left him looking pretty rough. As Teen Mom OG fans know, Portwood has had issues with violence in her past, having faced domestic battery and neglect charges in 2010 after an altercation with her former partner Gary Shirley. MTV cameras caught the assault, and the couple’s daughter Leah was with them at the time, and it sparked off some major challenges for Amber to overcome.

Portwood has tried to put these kinds of troubles behind her, but Teen Mom OG fans were reminded once again of Amber’s temper when the show’s reunion special taped last fall. As E! News shares, she got into a heated confrontation with co-star Farrah Abraham and things got physical.

The Teen Mom OG argument was over comments that Farrah’s then-boyfriend Simon Saran supposedly made about Matt, and when they were discussing it on-stage, Abraham cranked the drama up a notch. Things got physical as Amber took a swing at Farrah and then Abraham’s father and Baier ended up in a physical confrontation as well.

What about these latest accusations involving the Teen Mom OG stars? Blogger Miss Smarty Jones posted a photo on social media showing Matt with a scratched and battered face, alleging that the damage came from Amber. Gary piped up on Twitter with a snarky remark toward his ex, but neither Portwood or Baier have directly responded to the allegations. Matt did tweet later that day about rumors, and while he didn’t reference this situation, it’s not a stretch to think it’s related. Baier has since gone to People to deny that his fiancee had anything to do with his injuries, but not everybody is convinced.

Are Amber and Matt sharing news about their apparent wedding date as a way to deflect attention from these rumors of trouble in their relationship? Fans have got to wonder if that is the case here, as timing would certainly suggest that’s the case. Will the Teen Mom OG stars really get married and live happily-ever-after, or will things fall apart before that magical October date and leave Amber Portwood on her own again? Many viewers are not fans of her relationship with Matt Baier, and it will be interesting to see where things head next on this front.

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