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This bride had a cheeky way of getting her venue for free and guests are RAGING
2017/04/12 14:35:18瀏覽3|回應0|推薦0

Weddings are pretty darn expensive. Even if you are trying to cut down on the amount you spend on your big day, costs quickly start to stack up. But what if you could get the most expensive part of your day for free?

That’s exactly what one cheeky bride did when she charged her guests hundreds of pounds for their rooms instead of paying for the venue herself!

Unsurprisingly her guests are fuming.

Taking to Mumsnet, Crummyfunnymummy, one of her disgruntled guests said she spent more than £700 on the three-day wedding. As well as paying for the venue, guests also had to bring their own alcohol!

Some of the costs included £150 a night on a double room for herself and her husband (which didn’t include breakfast) and £50 on wine.

Related: http://www.sheindressau.com/black-bridesmaid-dresses-au

It wasn’t until after the event that guests found out that the bride and groom hadn’t paid a penny for the venue!

She explained how the couple got the venue for free: “Because, she told another friend of ours, that they recouped the full cost of hiring the house through the money they collected from friends and family for the rooms!!!! In other words, the venue cost x amount and they just divided x by the number of bedrooms (about 15 in total) and charged all the couples who stayed 1/15th of the venue hire!!!!!”

“I get that not everyone can afford the big do and that it can be quite fun getting friends and family to pitch in. I was happy to help with cooking and clearing up. But seriously, I just don’t think it’s OK to be this self indulgent (3 f***ing days of celebrating their union!!!) and charging everyone else for the privilege.”

Although it seemed like her friend had pulled a fast one, she decided against saying anything.

“Anyway, it has made me really cross but none of our other friends seem to have issue with it so I’m worried I’m being a tightwad by complaining. I won’t say anything to my friend as it’s done now, and I know I could have declined the invite.”

“But she’s one of my oldest friends and when I agreed to take one the rooms at the house, I had no idea how much they were nor that this would be paying for their wedding! I feel really cross about it!”

Also see: http://www.sheindressau.com/bridesmaid-dresses-melbourne

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