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2009/01/11 17:48:32瀏覽373|回應0|推薦0

在台灣我們通常說3種語言: 一種是國語,一種是台語,另外一種-最常用的是--台灣國語 (看到了嗎? 用反白)…  第三種是最常用的,尢其是像我這樣的上了年紀的人。昨晚發的相片看了嗎? 發的時候,才發覺到檔案太大了,如果是免費郵箱和撥號上網,可能收起來很辛苦。看了可別睡不著,尤其是San Franciso的那張,太恐怖了,好像一個吸毒犯--那是我生涯中,最不得意時,到美國自我放逐半年時,準備回台灣重新出發前夕拍的,雖然很不好看,但是很珍貴..我不會再有那樣的日子了。(猜猜那是何年何月?) 我現在比當時胖了10多公斤呢。

 說實在的,從一個多月前在網上加入征婚的行列以來,也收到很多女同胞的熱心來信。但是只要她們的照片一曝光,就出局了..我實在是太沒人性了。一直沒很積極想看看你的盧山真面目,也是因為擔心--見光死。但是啊,總不能老是這樣吧。我總說只要不是恐龍妹或是白骨精,長相愈平常愈好,蘇東坡有言: 醜妻壽乃公,我更以為: 我付不起漂亮的女人的保養費。

你猜得很準,我名字的確是XXX不過常常被寫成XYX。我順便查了一下你說的那首詩..現在網路實在太方便了..W. B. Yeats所寫的。在xx時被那些x詩和戲劇搞得很慘,真是好幾年的惡夢,沒想到唸x國文學是這麼痛苦的一件事,還好老師們手下留情,總算混過去了。不過一直心有末甘,但願老的時候,再回頭好好重修xx文學。正因為本科的東西沒學好,就去學學日文,電腦,網球..好在這幾樣技能,後來都在工作和生活上起了很關鍵的作用。



As you may know now, my name is xxx. May I have your surname? I do not think you are Ms. DF which is really unusual. Sometimes, I hate to write in English since it is not easy to express what my precise meaning is. Yet, I do not like Chinese-typing, either. 
I dare not say that I am a successful man, and do not know to define success. My favorite sport is tennis. Even the best tennis player, Pete Sampras, has lost his games now and the; and must retire from his court in his thirties. Yet, he may have another thirty-year journey to march in the different field. And he may not perform his rest journey as well as in his tennis court. What I can say is that I have approached a fare satisfied carrier in the pass decade.
I am sorry. I have no successful experience to tell you. I am just lucky to enter the market in the right time and have got help from many enthusiastic friends. 

Attached is the speech of “I Have A Dream” by Martin Luther King. I think you must hear this gentleman before; generally, we call him 金恩博士 in Chinese. Also, you can find more his information through the net. Before giving up my single life, I once planed to form a “Uncle Martin Foundation”. I would devote all my energy and property to help so-called weakness-group among the Chinese society. But now, I changed the ideal, and try to be a common man. Say, a simple-good husband and father instead of a great man. I would like to seek a single woman worthy to be loved and a pair of children from the gene of myself. As an aged man, I must do my best to capture the last chance for some romantic purpose. Hope you can join my adventure and be my best partner. We should have an unforgettable sense and sensibility journey one day.      

( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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