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0805 駐點實習第五天
2011/08/08 22:42:00瀏覽44|回應0|推薦0
After the midterm, it is the final internship coming next day.

The first station is the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, BEP. Their mission is to develop and produce the US currency notes. Since 1862 the BEP was founded with workers signing, separating, and trimming sheets of Demand Notes in the Treasury building, more and more work, including engraving and printing, was entrusted to the organization. Gradually, the centrality of the BEP to the financial, monetary, postal, and printing developments of the US has made it a repository of numerous invaluable historic items.

Here we are~

there are one million dollars in ten dollar notes. So much~

the new vision of 100 dollar note~ coming next year!

We would have our lunch in Defense Mission, Taipei Economic And Cultural Representative Office in the USA.

Here is the important institution for the military consulting.

The restaurant here is famous for its Taiwanese beef noodles. And the people in the mission give us a surprise, celebrating those whose "birthmonth" is in July and August, to comfort our homesick. I thought as it is kind of the tradition in the military school! 

In the afternoon, we came to TECR.

It was a forum for us to know what the mission they have given, what they have done in US, and what the role they play between Taiwan and USA.

I gave a attention to the madam, who is the only woman on the table. To my surprise, she holds the administrative chores in TECR!

The forum lasted until the dinner time. We had Chinese buffet! All kind of Chinese food you could imagine could be tasted in the restaurant.

That's the first time I have a fortune cookies! Very interesting due to a note inside is lottery numbers! haha~
Yuan-Ning said foreigners like Chinese fortune cookies! You can see it in the movie"Freaky Friday" also.

After having a great meal, we were picked up by our homestay family, mentioned last time.
Uncle Paul and Lily knew we like KTV, so particularly they had set atmosphere for us! And this time, not only 志穎 and me, but also 湯瑪士 and Coco came to join us! 
 Coco and Lily~ All of them sang very well! Especially湯瑪士, she was once a chief of the guitar club. Awesome!!!

 Such a lovely night we have! I really appreciated with the company from homestay!

BEP http://www.moneyfactory.gov/home.html
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