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0801 for memory
2011/08/02 09:27:00瀏覽20|回應3|推薦0
今天和Gerri(杜爸的同學)約好要一起去看Lincoln Memorial 和 Jefferson Memorial,因為她即將要去紐約的哥倫比亞大學念書,所以想多逛一點博物館,珍惜在DC的時間。

Gerri, who is one of Altas's classmate, and I was going to visit Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial. Since she will leave DC for New York to Columbia University, she wants to leave behind beautiful memories in DC. 

這是林肯紀念堂~This is Lincoln Memorial~( It really looks like the view on post card!)

這是正面~There are two guys =="

 Gerri and me in front of the memorial

 That's Lincoln's statue (you can see its moving in "Night at The Museum", if you wantXD)

Very huge~

This is the scenery which the president views every day~BTW, the pool is dry due to on the construction QQ

After that, we went to the next station, Jefferson memorial. It was hot though the beautiful Potomac river along by our side. Moreover, today is fasting day for Gerri; I hope she wouldn't be too tired to walk.
  Here we are~

 The Tidal Basin in front of the memorial. Beautiful, right?

This is quiet Jefferson~

It almost at noon, so we took a rest in the dome. Because I had no idea where to go, Gerri got an idea that we could go to the Holocaust Memorial Museum. It is the nearest site to where we were.

After the short and hot journey, we had got it!

Since it is memorial for those who was victims under the Nazi during World War Two, it was prohibited taking photos. However, I was touch beyond the words. It was not scared at all, but pitiful. And the history was introduced very carefully; I could almost image how they felt.

This is the last sight I took within the museum. 

It was fun today. And hope we could meet again somewhere.

Have a nice future~Gerri!!
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Re: 0801 for memory
2011/08/28 21:29

Re: 0801 for memory
2011/08/03 19:00
Good job... btw, it is a good idea to go back what you write
after you let it sit for a while. It is a good way to learn
English writing. [版主回覆 08/03/2011 23:00:44]thanks! I will try more often.( I hope so~)

Re: 0801 for memory
2011/08/02 23:36
this is the 1st time i see you writing in english,good try!keep
it up.;)
Gerri is a Muslim? this month will be the fasting month for the
Muslim, after this they will be celebrating their new year.
the reason and the way they fast is quite interesting to know,
you can ask more about it from Gerri.
take care girl, i love to read about your life over there,
please do write more.
take care.:)

PS: i saw the building in my postcard.;P [版主回覆 08/03/2011 22:58:52]thank you, penji!
to be honest, I guessed Gerri would read this, so I wrote in English. and you know that I am always on "closing public style"(走親民路線XD) all right! I will give it a try on my diary.
about fasting, I have asked my classmate due to she is Muslim, too! that's really cool~

PS:that's great! and I still look for "cherry tree"!haha~