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2012/09/05 10:50:13瀏覽132|回應0|推薦0 | |
但現在你在心靈寫下你期待: ________________________
但現在你在心靈寫下你勇敢去接受: ________________________
但現在你在心靈寫下你脫離舒服圈去嘗試: ________________________
但現在你在心靈寫下你將碰觸: ________________________
但現在你在心靈寫下你將表達: ________________________
但現在你在心靈寫下你將嶄露: ________________________
但現在你在心靈寫下你將擁有: _______________________
Are you afraid to be disappointed, so you're afraid to bear any expectations
But now you wrote in mind you are expecting: ________________________
Are you afraid of being abandoned, so you will not be afraid to accept any possible love
But now you wrote in mind you brave to accept: ________________________
Are you afraid of being made fun of, so you will not be afraid to try any opportunity
But you wrote in mind you try to do something out of your comfortable zone: ________________________
Are you afraid of being belittled, so you're afraid to touch anything fragile
But now you wrote in mind you will not touch: ________________________
Are you afraid to be rejected, so you are afraid to express any needs
But now you wrote in mind you will express: ________________________
But now you wrote in mind you will reveal: ________________________
But now you wrote in mind you will have: _______________________
( 創作|詩詞 ) |