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Let's take a close look at Dalai Lama
2010/02/22 12:03:06瀏覽484|回應0|推薦1


Are Dalai Lama visits with US, UK, France a
“provocation” for China’s staged role in WW3?

The Dalai Lama confessed
to receive CIA funds
in their revolutionary attempts to split
from China. As US
and Israel lying rhetoric for war with Iran
escalate and
are echoed
by US corporate media
, as Iran is considered a main source of oil
for China, as WW3
is a real threat
given that WW2 sprung from a series of smaller
occupations cumulating with a false
flag attack on Poland
and WW1 sprung from a single political
assassination in a context of competing empires, the “chess
masters” behind the scenes of politics might have more in mind than
a simple visit between President Obama and an exiled religious
divine monarch
(and here).   

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