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Some sentences
2009/08/30 20:44:39瀏覽409|回應0|推薦1

How a company treats its shareholders says a lot about the character of the firm and its management.


The leisure market represents 80 percent of travelers and 60 percent of revenue, while business travel is 20 percent in numbers but double that in revenue.


The decline in the Deutsce mark has been very fortuitous.


Our company has supplied pig-casting machines to Ajax Indian's blast-furnace complex in Maharashutra.


Cost control is a dominant theme, as increased consumer weath drives tourism.


When it comes to modifying financial strategies and converting systems to the Euro, you will be sure to benefit from our expertise.


I learned early on, though, that it's essential to set yourself apart from the group.


The corporation was founded in 1989.


Youngsters today seem to be more preoccupied with ther weight than thise of the past.


The exploration team began to transmit signals with its new communication gear.


There was no one who could remember the combination to the lock.


Because of our friendship, David felt he could ask me to subsitute for him at the meeting.


( 知識學習語言 )
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