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English Grammar 2
2009/08/26 08:26:56瀏覽463|回應0|推薦3

56. We all are inundated with information, and one way to wade through it all is to read the main  point right away.

@  be inundated with~ = be swamped with~ = be flooded with~

53. As a rule of thumb, market research should provide you with information about those critical areas.

@ as a rule of thumb ;  off the top of head ; on the tip of my tongue ; elbow grease ; a stiff upper lip ; pull my leg ; deserve a pat on the back

54. That wear-and-tear charges can cripple your budget when you turn the car in, is true.

~ That a carpet should be cleaned once a year, is generally accepted.

52. Now that you've done some preliminary work, you're ready to build your Web site.

Now that S+V = Since S + V = Because S + V

~ Now that we have signed the lease contrast, we can start hiring staff.

35. Anywhere in the world, of course, it takes energy to produce energy.

~It takes money to make money.

~It takes confidence for us to start a new business.

@虛主詞 it

36. It is what you do after the mistake that matters.


~It is the human connection that counts.

~It is a company's leader who sets the tone.

( A company's leader sets the tone)

60. If we keep in mind that e-mails never disppear and that personal names and a record of what we write are sitting on a computer somewhere, we might write with more care.

~The restaurant that  I went to and that you recommended, was terrible.

@ 名詞子句(that)並用

( 知識學習語言 )
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