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2012/11/10 11:51:00瀏覽341|回應6|推薦5 | |
我丈夫一向沉默;年輕時,他更沉默。 我呢,本來是一個滿懷熱情、不吐不快的小女子, 遇見他之後,也變得不怎麼愛說話了。 一個金黃色的秋天,我倆坐在樹林裏約會;幾乎整個下午就那麼無言對坐在滿地迸脆的落葉上。 過了一會兒,當我正專心注視著一朵小白雲,忽然他靦腆地遞過來一片楓葉,上面用藍色原子筆端端正正地寫了五個字:「無聲勝有聲」。 直到我們為彼此套上了婚戒,他和我的交往,一直未曾有過任何深度的心靈交流。 而當時的我,竟全不在意! 卻像兩個小小孩;在聖壇前交換了誓言之後,我們開始單純、認真、又極盡情地玩兒起辦家家酒的遊戲。他不愛說話,我靜靜地去滿足他;他不交朋友,我默默地把我的也一個個放棄。 有一次高中好友阿婉來訪,回去後過了幾天,她寫來一封嗔怨的信。 「小華,妳變了!」 她說,「愛情使妳變得深沉婉約.......」 我知道我變了,我知道我們的生活不很正常,也不大健康。但我是那麼地愛他,在他的愛裏,我也深深滿足。 這是怎麼一回事呢? 還未來得及想清楚,我已經懷了神所為我們預備的第一個小寶寶....... My husband is quiet, he was even quieter when he was younger. I, on the contrary, was very passionate and always had some thoughts to share, but was then quiet down soon after I met him. One beautiful day in a golden autumn, we spent almost the whole afternoon just sitting on a big pile of crisp fallen leaves in the wood without really saying anything. Then as I concentrated on some little cloud in the sky, he all at once bashfully handed me a piece of maple leaf, on which in blue ink neatly he wrote, " Silence is all the better than voices." Up to the day we put our wedding ring on each other's finger, he and I never did have any deep communication before or during our courtship. But at that time, I didn't mind at all! Yet like two little kids, having offered our oath over the altar, we seriously and wholeheartedly started playing house. He didn't use many words, I gladly tried to satisfy him in silence; he seldom spent time with his friends, I couldn't help but starting giving up mine one after another as well. One day, an old friend from high school came to see me and dropped me a note a few days after she left. "You have changed, my dear," she wrote, " love has made you so quiet and not easy of approach....." I knew I had changed, I knew our life wasn't normal, nor healthy. And yet, I loved him so much; and in his love, I was completely satisfied. What was the matter? Before I could figure it out, I conceived our first baby that God had prepared for us........ (By Julia Chou)
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |