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鳳凰城少年兒童合唱團美東巡迴演唱 (感謝電小二推薦)
2012/06/08 00:01:27瀏覽2114|回應12|推薦72

聞名全美的鳳凰城少年兒童合唱團成立於1947年,至今已有65年的歷史了。目前在前維也納少年兒童合唱團總監 Georg Stangelberger 的領導下足跡踏遍全美及世界各地。合唱團的宗旨不僅僅是培養一群會唱歌的音樂家,更是要培養青少年成熟的品格、建立自信心、團隊精神和領導能力。每一位團員都要為自己的學費、合唱團和巡迴演出的經費籌款,藉此鍛煉膽識和堅毅的耐性,能夠經得起挫折。

兒子參加了3年合唱團,不但歌喉越來越進步,個性也越來越沉穩。在超市前向顧客募款需要很大的勇氣,還要不斷微笑、琢磨說辭。即使對方惡言相向或冷漠以對,兒子還是笑著說:“謝謝您,願上帝祝福您。” 有時候對方拒絕了卻又受感動,5分鐘後又回來樂捐。有些人會說,“我本來是不想捐的,但是你實在太可愛了!” 有時慷慨解囊的是衣衫襤褸的老太太或一小時賺不到美金7元的打工小弟,他們為了支持和鼓勵熱愛藝術的孩子們,把自己一天的工資都捐了出來。兒子深深感受到高貴的品格和外表是沒有關係的。


Friday, June 8 at 7pm
with Fairfax Youth Choirs
Annandale United Methodist Church
(6935 Columbia Pike, Annondale, VA)

Saturday, June 9 at 3pm
with DC Boys Choir
Asbury United Methodist Church
(926 11th Street NW, Washington, DC)

Sunday, June 10 
8:30am Service

Annandale United Methodist Church
(6935 Columbia Pike, Annondale, VA)

Sunday, June 10 at 7:30pm
With Maryland State Boy Choir
MSB Center for the Arts
Cathedral Church of St. Matthew
(3400 Norman Avenue, Baltimore, MD)

Tuesday, June 12 at 8pm
With St. Paul’s Choir and 
Settlement Music School
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
(120 N. Easton Road, Glenside, PA)

Thursday, June 14 at 7pm
Bristol Chapel at Westminster Choir College
Rider University
(101 Walnut Lane, Princeton, NJ)

Sunday, June 17 
11am Service

St. John the Divine Cathedral
(1047 Amsterdam Ave, NY)

Sunday, June 17 at 2pm
at Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest
(2 East 90th Street at Fifth Avenue, NY)

Thursday, June 21 at 7pm
Part of the MV Hebrew Center Festival of the Arts
(funded in part by the Martha's Vineyard Cultural Council)
Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center
(130 Center Street,Vineyard Haven, MA)

Sunday, June 24 
10:30am Services

The Federated Church
(45 South Summer Street,Edgartown, MA)

Sunday, June 24 at 7:00pm 
With Boston City Singers and the Chamber Choir of the University of Newcastle
All Saints Church
(209 Ashmont street, Dorchester, MA) 

Tuesday, June 26 at 8pm
Boston Cathedral of the Holy Cross
(1400 Washington Street, Boston, MA)

Dear 麵包情人(tehlingc)

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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Look forward to it ...
2012/06/08 05:49

I happen to have meetings in Princeton that day. So look forward to the performance after that ... I am sure it will be as great as your blog ... :) ... Is ticket required ? And how to tell which one is your son ? ... Good luck to him ...

麵包琴人(tehlingc) 於 2012-06-08 11:48 回覆:

That would be so wonderful! As far as I know tickets are not required, but I will confirm with the choir and post the information later. Thank you for asking!


麵包琴人(tehlingc) 於 2012-06-09 05:56 回覆:
No tickets required! Just come!

2012/06/08 01:43




麵包琴人(tehlingc) 於 2012-06-08 23:19 回覆:


是的,這些男孩到8年紀或14歲就一定要畢業。不過他們可以進Men's choir, 水準也不錯。

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