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2024/06/24 05:48:33瀏覽590|回應0|推薦8 | |
1. 如果,你已經 65-85歲了,就該明白: 你早已經~不是超人,不要整日疲於奔命,應該活得從容…。比如,飯應一口一口吃,事要一點一點做…。
2. 如果,你已經 65-85歲了,就該明白:生活品質的優劣? 完全取決於~自己的心態…。
3. 如果你,已經 65-85歲了,就該明白: 親情的疏離是切膚的傷痛…。唯有淡一些、諒一些、忍一些,才會使我們的心寬一些、和一些、暖一些……。
4. 如果,你已經 65-85歲了,就該明白:
5. 如果,你已經 65-85歲了,就該明白:
6. 如果,你已經 65-85歲了,就該明白:
要相信自己, 直面挑戰,視困境為機遇,學會創造性地解決問題…。
7. 如果,你已經 65-85歲了,就該明白:
地位和榮譽,只不過是個杯子,而您的修養和品性才是你杯中的東 西…。
8. 如果,你已經 65-85歲了,就該明白:
心存感恩的人,過得更快樂…。對於任何祝福,無論大小都應懂得感 恩…。
9. 如果,你已經 65-85嵗了,就該明白:
笑一笑十年少, 笑口常開沒煩惱。
10. 如果,你已經 65-85歲了,就該明白:
要保證休息、運動和健康飲食,經常以有趣、 刺激的方式,練習大腦,讓思維更活絡。
The Last Farewell - Lyrics - Roger Whittaker
Theres a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbor
Tomorrow for old England she sails
Far away from your land of endless sunshine
To my land full of rainy skies and gales
And I shall be on board that ship tomorrow
Though my heart is full of tears at this farewell
For you are beautiful and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell I heard theres a wicked war or a blazing
And the taste of war I know so very well
Even now I see the foreign flag a - raising
Their guns on fire as we sailed into hell I have no fear of death it brings no sorrow
But how bitter will be this last farewell
For you are beautiful and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
Though death and darkness gather all about me
And my ship be torn apart upon the sea
I shall smell again the fragrance of these islands
In the heaving waves that brought me once to thee
And should I return safe home again to England
I shall watch the English mist roll through the dell
For you are beautiful and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
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