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2024/05/24 05:29:10瀏覽588|回應1|推薦7 | |
山屋遭垃圾廚餘占據 玉山巡查員嘆:對人性失去信任 聯合報記者江良誠/南投即時報導 玉山國家公園登山活動熱門,山屋經常一位難求,然而山友不珍惜山屋環境,玉管處最近巡查南二段西段路線,發現山屋被當成垃圾堆,除了堆放大批垃圾,未吃完的食物、廚餘也到處丟,環境髒亂不堪,讓保育志工感嘆,這種缺乏公德心的行為,讓他們失去對人性的信任。
玉管處表示,最近派保育巡查到山屋巡視,發現部分山屋遭垃圾入侵,原本應提供山友住宿和緊急避難的空間,到處是泡麵袋、塑膠、保麗龍等垃圾,甚至儲藏空間也堆滿垃圾,讓巡查人員看的心寒。 巡查人員說,遊客將未吃完的食物、廚餘、垃圾及棉質睡袋與使用過的瓦斯空罐隨意棄置於山屋,除了讓山屋環境髒亂、影響衛生,讓後續山友得在髒亂的環境下過夜, 隨意丟棄的食物、廚餘,更會吸引野生動物覓食,山屋作為登山過程補給據點,但很多都在生態保護區,這些食物、廚餘,已對生態造成難以想像的威脅。
玉管處提醒,山屋興建不易,維護更是艱難。請大家以友善態度珍惜使用,住宿期間保持山屋、廁所及周邊環境的整潔,離開時務必落實將自身物品、垃圾、廚餘帶下山。在國家公園任意丟棄垃圾、果皮、紙屑,可依「國家公園法」開罰1000元以下罰鍰,但民眾不能維護環境,會對山林造成難以彌補的汙染、破壞。 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/山屋遭垃圾廚餘占據-玉山巡查員嘆-對人性失去信任-075850904.html John McDermott - One Small Star When I need to feel you near me I stand in this quiet place Where the silver light of countless stars Falling on my face Though they all shine so brightly Somehow it comforts me to know That some that burn the brightest Died an eternity ago Chorus But your light still shines Its one small star to guide me And it helps me to hold back the dark Your lights still shining in my heart Im learning how to live without you And I never thought I could And even how to smile again I never thought I would And I cherish your hearts memories Cause they bring you back to life Some caress me gently And some cut me like a knife Can your soul be out there somewhere Beyond the infinity of time I guess youve found some answers now Ill have to wait for mine When my light joins with yours one day Well shine through time and space And one day fall on a distant age Upon some strangers face But your light still shines Its one small star to guide me And it helps me to hold back the dark Your lights still shining in my heart Your lights still shining in my heart |
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