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2024/04/04 05:37:22瀏覽571|回應0|推薦4




對此,鍾佳播2日下午下架影片,並發聲道歉。 鍾佳播日前發布短影音,稱是教大家一個生活小知識,內容指出騎YouBike常遇到還車站只剩下1輛車的狀況,若晚點還想騎車,卻擔心被別人借走,可以將椅墊往後轉,「這樣就不會有人借這台車了,你看,過沒多久,車子還在」。

不過,貼文曝光後,引起許多網友砲轟,YouBike官方IG帳號也現身表示,「此影片中行為已違反YouBike 公共自行車會員條款規定,並有誤導民眾之虞,請即刻將影片下架。若未與置理,本公司將依會員條款辦理後續」,而北市交通局長謝銘鴻則在臉書轉發影片,痛批「公德心何在?我們不需要這種自以為是的小聰明!浪費社會資源的壞榜樣!嚴厲譴責」。


目前鍾佳播的IG已沒有該影片。 事實上,YouBike官網上就有提醒,騎車前除了確認煞車功能、胎壓、車燈功能,以及調整坐墊高度之外,如果遇到坐墊反轉的單車就不要租借,因為代表此輛故障待修,若發現車輛故障,也可以將坐墊調最低後反轉,並致電客服人員前往維修。


Kenny Rogers - Coward Of The County (Audio)

Everyone considered him the coward of the county

Hed never stood one single time to prove the county wrong

His mama named him Tommy, but folks just called him Yellow

But something always told me, they were reading Tommy wrong

He was only ten years old when his daddy died in prison

I looked after Tommy, cause he was my brothers son

I still recall the final words my brother said to Tommy

"Son, my life is over, but yours has just begun"

"Promise me, son, not to do the things Ive done

Walk away from trouble if you can

Now it wont mean youre weak if you turn the other cheek

I hope youre old enough to understand

Son, you dont have to fight to be a man"

Theres someone for everyone and Tommys love was Becky

In her arms, he didnt have to prove he was a man

One day while he was working, the Gatlin boys came calling

They took turns at Becky an there was three of them

Tommy opened up the door and saw Becky crying

The torn dress, the shattered look was more than he could stand

He reached above the fireplace and took down his daddys picture

As his tears fell on his daddys face, he heard these words again

"Promise me, Son, not to do the things Ive done

Walk away from trouble if you can

Now it wont mean youre weak if you turn the other cheek

I hope youre old enough to understand

Son, you dont have to fight to be a man"

The Gatlin boys just laughed at him when he walked into the bar room

One of them got up and met him half way cross the floor

When Tommy turned around they said, "Hey look! Old Yellows leaving"

But you couldve heard a pin drop when Tommy stopped and locked the door

Twenty years of crawling was bottled up inside him

He wasnt holding nothing back, he let em have it all

When Tommy left the bar room, not a Gatlin boy was standing

He said, "This ones for Becky", as he watched the last one fall

And I heard him say

"I promised you, Dad, not to do the things youve done

I walk away from trouble when I can

Now please dont think Im weak, I didnt turn the other cheek

And Papa, I should hope you understand

Sometimes you gotta fight when youre a man"

Everyone considered him the coward of the county


首由羅傑·鮑林比利·艾德·惠勒創作的歌曲,由美國鄉村音樂歌手肯尼·羅傑斯錄製。這首歌於 1979 年 11 月發行,是羅傑斯多白金專輯《甘迺》的第二首單曲。它成為一首主要的跨界熱門歌曲,在 Billboard Country 排行榜上名列前茅,並在 Hot 100 排行榜上排名第三;它還在 Cash Box 單曲排行榜上名列前茅,並在全球許多其他國家/地區進入前 10 名,在加拿大、英國和愛爾蘭的排行榜上名列前茅,連續六周保持第一名。

( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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