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2023/08/04 05:27:48瀏覽236|回應0|推薦6 | |
創舉!丹麥男子花10年不搭飛機環遊世界203個國家 陳樂珊 環遊世界相信是不少人的夢想,丹麥就有一名男子皮德生(Torbjorn Pedersen)不僅達到了環遊世界的目標,更是創下了首個不搭飛機環遊世界且期間沒有回國的人。 在經歷了10年的旅程後,他於本月26日終於返回自己的國家,整躺旅程他一共走了203個國家。 綜合外媒報導稱,皮德生今年44歲,有「索爾(Thor)」之稱。
在旅途期間,他於2020年1月離開密克羅尼西亞(Micronesia),前往香港旅行,因為碰上新冠肺炎的攪局,他不得不滯留香港兩年之久。 在國門重新開放時,皮德生離開香港前往島國帛琉(Palau)旅行,之後繼續造訪大洋洲國家及太平洋島國。
據悉,皮德生在旅途中從不租車,他也熱愛結交朋友,即便皮德生四處奔波,但是與時任女友吉魯姆(Le Gjerum)仍努力維持兩人關係。在皮德生10年的旅程間,吉魯姆曾出國探望他27次,在第10次時,皮德生向她求婚,但不幸地,因為疫情關係,兩人被迫在線上舉行婚禮。 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/創舉-丹麥男子花10年-不搭飛機環遊世界203個國家-000704979.html Somethin Stupid I know I stand in line Until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me And if we go someplace to dance I know that theres a chance You wont be leaving with me Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you I can see it in your eyes You still despise the same old lines You heard the night before And though its just a line to you For me its true And never seemed so right before I practice every day to find some clever Lines to say To make the meaning come true But then I think Ill wait until the evening Gets late And Im alone with you The time is right Your perfume fills my head The stars get red And oh the nights so blue And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you I love you |
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