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    中文文字有「部首」的規則,英文文字一樣有部首的規則,英文之部首稱為word root(字根),請看下列英文字根鏈:

geography           transport                antebellum


autobiography            transmit                  rebel


automobile               committee                reject


emotion               concede                   inject


      export                antecedent                  incur


    transport                antebellum                    current

       ↓→↗                   ↓→↗



A, AN—not, without / 不,沒有

atypical A not + typical=非典型的。agnosticA not + GNOS to know=不可知論者。amoral =無道德觀念的。anarchyAN without + ARCH ruler=無政府狀態。anecdoteAN not + EKDOTOS given out=軼事,趣聞。anemiaAN without + HEM blood=貧血。anestheticAN without + ESTHET feeling=麻醉劑。anomalyAN not + HOMO same=異常。anonymousAN without + ONYM name=匿名的,作者不詳的。asymmetricalA not + SYM together + METER measure=不均勻的。atheistA without + THE god=無神論者。

AMBI, AMPHI—around / 週圍,到處

ambitiousAMBI around + IT walk=雄心勃勃的。Ambience = 氣氛。ambiguousAMBI around + AGERE to drive=不明確的,模稜兩可的。ambiguity=模稜兩可。amphitheater(古羅馬的)競技場,圓形劇場。

AMBI, AMPHI—both / 兩者的

ambidextrousAMBI both + DEXTR right hand=兩手俱巧的。ambivalent=矛盾情感的。ambivalence=矛盾心理。amphibianAMPHI both + BIO life=兩棲動物。amphibious=兩棲的。

ANN, ENN—year /

annual=每年的。annals=年鑑。anniversaryANN year + VERS to turn= 週年紀念的。annuity =年金。biannualBI two + ANN year= 一年兩次的。biennialBI two + ENN year= 每兩年一次的。centennialCENT hundred + ENN year =一百週年的。millenniumMILLI thousand + ENN = 千禧年。per annumPER through + ANN = 逐年地。perennialPER through + ENN = 長年繼續的,(植物)多年生的。semiannualSEMI half + ANN = 每半年的。superannuatedSUPER above + ANN = 屆齡退休的。

ANTE, ANTI—before / 在前,在前面

    antebellumANTE before + BELL war= 戰前的,美國南北戰爭之前的。antecedentANTE before + CED to go= 前身。antedate = 先於,早於。antediluvianANTE + DILUVIUM flood= 諾亞大洪水之前的,上古的。ante meridiem縮寫作AMANTE + MERIDI noon= 午前,上午。anterior = 在前的,前部的。anteroom = 前廳,接待室。ante = 賭注,賭金。

ANTE, ANTI—before-in-time / 在先的

    anticipateANTI + CAP to take= 預期,預料。antique = 舊式的,骨董。antiquity = 古代。antiquated = 老舊的。antiquarian = 骨董商,珍藏版舊書商。

ANTHROP—human / 人,人類

    anthropic = 人類的。anthropoid ANTHROP human + OID resembling= 似人類的 anthropologyANTHROP human + LOGY study of=人類學。anthropologist = 人類學家。anthropocentricANTHROP + CENTR center = 以人類為宇宙中心的(思想、觀念等)。anthropomorphism ANTHROP + MORPH form= 神人同形論,擬人說。anthropomorphic = 神人同形(同性)論的。misanthropeMIS to hate + ANTHROP = 厭恨世人者。misanthropic = 厭恨世人的。philanthropic PHIL to love + ANTHROP = 樂善好施的。philanthropist = 博愛主義者,慈善家。philanthropy = 慈善,博愛。

ANTI—against / 反對,對抗

    antibioticANTI against + BIO life= 抗生素。antidote ANTI against + DOT to give= 解毒劑,解藥。antifreeze= 防凍劑。antiphonalANTI  + PHON sound= 交互輪唱的。antisepticANTI + SEPT putrid= 消毒。antitrust = 反托辣斯的。antagonistANTI + AGON struggle= 對手,敵手。

ANTI—opposite / 相對的

    Antarctica = 南極大陸,南極洲。anticlimax = 突減(重要性、興趣等)。antithesisANTI opposite + THES to place= 對比,對照。

AUTO—self / 自己,自我

    automobileAUTO self + MOB to move= 汽車。autocratAUTO self + CRAT to rule= 獨裁君主。autocratic = 獨裁的。autocracy = 獨裁政府,獨裁。automatAUTO + MAT to act= (美)自動販賣機。automatic = 自動的。automation = 自動化作業。automaton = 自動操作的。autonomy AUTO + NOM law= 自治權,自治。autonomous = 有自治權的,自主的。autonomic = (生物)自律的。autopsyAUTO + OP sight= 驗屍。

BENE—well, good / 好的

    benefitBENE well + FAC to do= 利益,津貼。beneficialBENE well + FAC to do= 有益的,有幫助的。benedictionBENE + DICT to speak= 祝禱,祝福。beneficence = 善舉,仁慈。benefactor = 行善者。beneficiary = 受益人。benevolentBENE + VOL to wish= 祝福的,善意的。benevolence = 善心,善舉。benign = 和藹可親的,(醫)良性的。

BI—two /

    bicentennialBI two + CENT hundred + ENN year= 二百週年的。bicepsBI two + CAPIT head= (解剖)二頭肌。binoculars BI + OCUL eye= 雙筒望遠鏡。biscuitBI two + COQUERE to cook= 餅乾。bisectBI + SECT to cut= 一切為二。bicameral BI + CAMER chamber= (立法機關)雙院制的。bigamyBI + GAM marriage= 重婚。bilateralBI + LATER side= 雙邊的。bilingualBI + LINGU = 能說兩種語言的,雙語的。binary = 雙重的,由兩部份組成的。bipartisan = 由兩黨組成的。bipedBI + PED foot= 兩足動物。bivalve = 兩瓣的。

BIO—life / 生命

    biology BIO life + LOGY study of = 生物學。biochemistry =生物化學。biographyBIO life + GRAPH to write= 傳記。autobiogra

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