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Quotations from Cymbeline
2022/06/11 11:11:37瀏覽79|回應0|推薦0




, lest the bargain should catch cold and starve:


     --- Cymbeline  I, iv, 166

恐怕這宗買賣會冷下來 無疾而終。starve: die, perish



Hath his bellyful of fighting.

     --- Cymbeline  II, i, 24


(; that I thought her)

As chaste as unsunned snow.

    --- Cymbeline  II, v, 13

像未經日曬的白雪般貞潔。chaste: virtuous


Some griefs are med’cinable,

    --- Cymbeline  III, ii, 33

某些悲傷具有醫藥的價值, are med’cinable: have medicinal value, are salutary


O for a horse with wings!

    --- Cymbeline  III, ii, 48



--The game is up.

    --- Cymbeline  III, iii, 107

獵物被驚起了。game: wild animals or birds hunted for sport or food. up: roused. A hunting term meaning that the quarry had been started and was running from the hunter.


        (No, ‘tis) slander,

Whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue

Outvenoms all the worms of Nile,


它的刄比劍 鋒利,它的舌

比尼羅河所有的蛇 毒,outvenom: be more poisonous than, exceeds in venom. worms: serpents

    --- Cymbeline  III, iv, 33


I have not slept one wink.

    --- Cymbeline  III, iv, 103



Can snore upon the flint when resty sloth

Finds the down pillow hard.

    --- Cymbeline  III, vi 33


      An angel! Or, if not,

An earthly paragon! 典範

    --- Cymbeline  III, vi, 42


        Society is no comfort

To one not sociable.

    --- Cymbeline  IV, ii, 12


        I wear not

My dagger in my mouth.

    --- Cymbeline  IV, ii, 78


Fear no more the heat o’ the sun,

Nor the furious winter’s rages;

Thou thy worldly task hast done,

Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages.

Golden lads and girls all must,

As chimney-sweepers, com to dust.

    --- Cymbeline  IV, ii, 258


Quiet consummation have;

And renowned be thy grave!

    --- Cymbeline  IV, ii, 280


All other doubts, by time let them be clear’d,

Fortune brings in some boats that are not steer’d.

    --- Cymbeline  IV, iii, 45




Hang there like fruit, my soul,

Till the tree die!

    --- Cymbeline  V, v, 264



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