以前看外國片時, 每當我看到是黑人片時, 總有個不太能接受的觀感.. 老有認
為他們是不同民族,老是演一些不太入流的電影. 今天一看到片中的表達與含
故事的主題先從一個簡單的舞蹈老師開始. 她是個混血兒. 不像一般黑人
那樣黑.但是,.身為教孩子跳舞的老師, 能一直對孩子有愛心與關懷.
她居住在紐約的黑人區. 她的母親有一直從事慈善事業,擁有一個地方
細心地照顧當地的小孩, 是個很有愛心的媽媽. 當然對女主角
(就叫 HONEY)有不少的影響 .
Honey 她力爭上游想要以編舞作為工作.起初好不容易被某一位導演, 在不
經意中看到她的舞技並給予機會試片. 如她的料想果真是有才能的人,
一下子就成名且獲得不少大牌歌星的喜愛, 指定要她編舞並由她給予
但大導演認為女主角表現出來是願意為了事業奉獻自己的樣子, 所以讓
他有了錯覺; 認為有機可趁. 但是. 當然 Honey 是不願奉獻自己的感情.
也認為不該是如此的. 一個不小心的處理讓她自己不但失去工作與事
業.也間接影響當地黑人社區孩子的機會..但是. 他們不氣餒也不灰心的.
藉由大家的努力. 並得到有心人士的幫忙, 以慈善舞會的方式去募款希
望可以因此得到他們所需的款項. 進而買到他們可以練舞的地方,
並保留讓孩子有機會成長. 不會因無地方流連而流浪街頭, 或更嚴重
其實, 當我看到女主角對孩子的用心與耐心時, 讓我很感動的. 我們作
父母的或者作老師的. 對孩子就是要有這份心, 不斷鼓勵他們不放棄
他們, 不要因他們一時犯錯就不管他們了..那樣流浪街頭的孩子遲早
但是, 如果我們都多一份心去關懷這些失怙的孩子, 那麼他們就不會
們的. 今天我們多一份心意. 明日我們就少一份擔心..世界就多一個
面對中國大陸四川的那麼多失怙的孩子, 我們已決定要出錢出力去
支持希望小學的建設與如果可能的話, 扶養一或兩個小朋友到他們長
大成人..在我們尚有能力的時候, 出一份心盡一份力. 這樣的快樂與
知足, 讓我們家的小孩更加懂得珍惜他們的所有與懂得分享..我想這樣
I believe I can , I believe I will...
多棒的一句話. 給孩子一個自信的天地
They said you wouldn't make is so far uh uh
And ever since they said it, it's been hard
But nevermind the nights you had to cry
Cause you have never let it go inside
You worked real hard
And you know exactly what you want and need
So believe and you can never give up
You can reach your goals
Just talk to your soul and say?
I believe I can (I can)
I believe I will (I will)
I believe I know my dreams are real (know my dreams are real)
I believe I'll chant (Oh yea)
I believe I'll dance
I believe I'll grow real soon and (That's why)
That is what I do believe
Your goals are just a thing in your soul uh uh
And you know that your moves will let them show
You keep creating pictures in your mind
So just believe they will come true in time
It will be fine
Leave all of your cares and stress behind
Just let it go
Let the music flow inside
Forget all your pain
And just start to believe
I believe I can (I believe I can oh yea)
I believe I will
I believe I know my dreams are real (All of my dreams are real)
I believe I'll chant
I believe I'll dance (I gotta dance)
I believe I'll grow real soon and (ooo)
That is what I do believe
Whoa oa oa YEA?
(Music break)
Nevermind what people say
Hold your head high and turn away
With all our hopes and dreams
I will believe
Even though it seems it's not for me
I won't give up I'll keep it up
Look into the sky
I will achieve all my needs
I will always believe?OoOo
(Chorus 2x)
I believe I can
I believe I will (I can)
I believe I know my dreams are real (I got strength)
I believe I'll chant
I believe I'll dance (I gotta dance)
I believe I'll grow real soon and (watch me watch me watch me)
That is what I do believe (I do believe in me)
I believe I can
I believe I will (oh yea)
I believe I know my dreams are real
I believe I'll chant
I believe I'll dance (I gotta dance)
I believe I'll grow real soon and
That is what I do believe (I do believe! yayeeyay)
(音樂與圖片來自網路, 以求增加文章的表達.如有違反請來留言.)