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iFixit 拆解 Samsung Galaxy Nexus,冰淇淋屑亂噴!
2011/12/09 10:16:36瀏覽171|回應0|推薦0

又來到這個時刻啦!到底眾所期待的 Galaxy Nexus 圓滾滾的外殼下藏了些什麼祕密呢?我們想最有趣的,是它的 3.7V、1750mAh 電池還兼任 NFC 天線,在外包裝的貼紙底下有一圈圈的線圈。所以電池不能亂買喔!不然就沒有 NFC 能力了。此外,裡面也有一顆好小好小顆的晶片(Bosch BMP180 MEMS)負責 Galaxy Nexus 的氣壓感應功能。

怎麼在手機這麼小的裝置裡塞進一整台電腦永遠是個大挑戰,有興趣看看 Galaxy Nexus 是怎麼做到的朋友,點進 iFixit 的連結(第二個)裡欣賞吧!

  • Not only does the 3.7 V, 1750 mAh battery power the phone, but the user manual states that it also doubles as the NFC antenna.

  • O RLY? We had to see this one for ourselves.

  • Lo and behold, there's a sweet antenna hiding underneath the battery's shiny wrapper. So if you ever want to buy a replacement battery (and keep NFC functional), ensure that the battery has the antenna.

  • Our battery says "Near Field Communication" on it, so that might be a good indicator if it will function as an NFC antenna.

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