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2008/07/12 04:33:16瀏覽890|回應0|推薦8 | |
今年五月是個令人傷心的月分, 四川大地震.....傷亡慘痛...老天保佑...親人無恙.....感恩! 可惜在美卻失去了一位好友, 那美麗又短暫的生命,令人疼惜...... 白石和我為她在追思禮拜上,共同悼念了一段祭文, 白石讀英文原文,我讀中文, 唸罷,噙在眼眶中的眼淚,奪眶而出..... 害得我矇矓了眼鏡,急忙奔回座位找手絹, 都忘了向喪家致意的禮數,還好白石沒忘....... 事後覺得不好意思,石頭說:沒關係!大家都體諒妳的。 唉,有夫如此亦足矣....... ****************************** To Qin.......致琴吾友........ Of course, we mourn the loss of our dear 是的,失去了親愛的汪琴令我們悲傷。 But, difficult as it may seem, we should be thankful that we have the privilege of knowing such a fine person. 但,人生的苦難一如既往,我們仍需存著感恩的心, 有幸能認識一位如此淑善的女士。 She was very easy to like. 她是那麼地平易近人。 The first time we met Community event. 記得當我們頭一次遇見汪琴和庫瑪時,是在同鄉會的聚會上。 They graciously offered to help in any way possible. They knew no one, and no one knew them. 他們誰也不認識,也沒人認識他倆,但他們卻很親切地 過來問我們有什麼事可幫忙的呢? They did not ask what we could do for them; they asked what they could do for us. 他們沒有要求什麼,卻只想盡一己之力地來恊助我們。 That was the nature of show her feelings for those close to her. 那就是汪琴的本性:永遠用真摯的心去對待她的好朋友們。 While visiting Mainland chime for my wife and me. 當她從中國旅遊回來後,琴帶回來個很漂亮的風鈴送給我和我太太。 It was made of seashells and very fragile. 那是貝殼做的,很容易破脆的。 To keep the gift intact and to protect it along the long journey home, she hand carried it through every airport, taxi ride and parking lot. 為了要保護這個禮物完好無缺,她在那冗長的回程中, 不論是通關、坐計程車或等車都小心翼翼地用手拎著。 How fitting, because she took the same great care in her relationships with those she loved. 就是這樣,因為她就是用同樣細膩的情感去維繫著她所珍愛的友誼。 We still have those wind chimes, and they are as beautiful today as the day she gave them to us. 今天我們仍保有這只貝殼風鈴,它美麗如昔就像當初汪琴送我們時一樣。 And, we still have her love, even more beautiful today than the day it was given. 甚至比以往更美麗,因它讓我們永遠感受到她的愛。 To a special person touched your life. 願與琴的好友們分享這個的訊息,在人生的旅途中曾有這麼一位 特別又令人傾心的朋友與我們為伴是多麼令人喜悅的事啊。 To her family and Kumar, take in comfort in knowing that you do not carry this burden alone. 致最大的慰藉與琴的家人和庫瑪,希望您們知道 您們並不是獨自承受這巨慟,我們與您同在。 Hard as it is to imagine, one day you will know peace and even joy. 很難想像,有一天你終於理觧了什麼是安寧甚至於 什麼是喜悅。 Toward that day, let us honor the memory of living our lives in the example she set. 在這一天,讓我們榮耀與懷念汪琴生前為我們所留下來的典範。 May God bless and keep you till that day and beyond. 願神的祝福和保守永遠與您同在。
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |