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【日/中歌詞】光一 - Love and Loneliness
2010/03/01 15:37:54瀏覽782|回應0|推薦0

日文歌詞來源:Endless SHOCK OST歌詞本



孤独を抱いて鏡に映る オマエは明日に何を望む 

鏡子映照出 擁抱孤獨的我 你對明日有什麼期望

I saw the section in the mirror all what I can feel

信じられるのは 形あるものだけ  只相信 擁有形體的東西
I don’t need what is true or what do I believe in

ましてや永遠の愛などありやしない  況且也沒有所謂永遠的愛
How many years ago 思い出せずに 我已想不起來

So many things that I have lost

I don’t need anything 愛さえ今は  現在連愛也不需要

I want to stay the way I am
赤く染まる唇 情熱の色 心が温もりと愛で溶け出す

豔紅暈染的唇  熱情的顏色  心的溫度與愛一同融化

I fell in love with the devil deep in my heart

何処までも深く恋に落ちる Oh~  總是深深地陷入愛戀 Oh~

You came into my side 心奪われ  將我的心奪走
So much time that I have done for you

How many days ago 君と出会って  與你相會
So many happiness you brought

How is my life 君と二人で  與你兩個人
I want to be with you forever
All I need to love 愛さえあれば

Maybe I can stay the way I am
Maybe I could stay
How many years ago 思い出せずに 
So many things that I have lost
I don
`t need anything 愛さえ今は
I want to stay the way I am
How is my life 君と二人で
I want to be with you forever
All I need to love 愛さえあれば
Maybe I can stay the way I am
Oh~ もう 君はいない
Lonely has changed the way I am







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