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t.A.T.u. Fly On The Wall 「第三只眼」情色大膽中英譯雙字幕歌迷 MV (一定要看!)
2009/01/11 05:44:01瀏覽1807|回應1|推薦1

t.A.T.u. 雖然已經決定了她們拍攝 MV 的第 3 首單曲(Снегопады/ Snegopady) 「降雪」,但是從發行以來 Fly on the wall  「第三只眼」自 iTune 以及 Myspace 的高下載數字及點播率,顯然歌迷也有他們的想法。

歌迷 Hitatu 情色大膽中英譯雙字幕製作了 Fly on the wall 的自製 MV,用的是 Beliy Plaschik 白色長袍 (禁播版)的畫面,我覺得這支 MV 配合得很好!

英文歌詞看上去還不覺得,中文歌詞再加上 Beliy Plaschik 的鏡頭簡直是翻譯得讓人血脈噴張!

Fly on the Wall 第三隻眼

Music and lyrics by Josh Alexander, Billy Steinberg
Arranged by Josh Alexander, Keely Hawkes, Chris Garcia
Mixed by Dave Russell
Produced by Josh Alexander and Billy Steinberg
Jerk Awake/Jetanon Music (ASCAP)

When youre naked in the shower / 當你裸身入浴
When youre sleeping for an hour / 當你酣睡入夢
When youre big, when youre small / 當慾望如潮漲又回落
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall / 噢,我多麼渴望是蟲在牆角落

When youre with her after midnight / 當你在夜末拉攏她手
When you kiss her in the dim light / 當你在暗中品嚐她唇
When you break Barbie doll / 當你毀壞芭比公主之身
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall / 噢,我多麼渴望是蟲在牆角落

Wanna see who you are / 把你當真理探索
Every inch, every scar / 造訪每一寸肌膚,每一道傷口

From your head to your toes / 從你腳到頭
I would be there / 我將無孔不入
From your bed to your clothes/ 從你衣到褥
Im in the air/ 我穿梭在這空氣中

When you think youre alone / 當你以為私下人無
Ill be down in the hall / 就將引我入室
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall / 我如蟲你將遁形無所
What you do in your room / 房內海起又回落
I could see it all / 我你隱瞞不過
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall, yeah / 當你偽裝褪盡,我多麼渴望是蟲在牆角落

For the drama that youre drinking / 你借酒裝瘋的拿手伎倆
And the dark thoughts you are thinking / 你腦海潛藏的陰暗念頭
And the love notes that you scrawl / 你潦草塗抹的愛之詩句
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall / 噢,我多麼渴望是蟲在牆角落

Silently I arrive / 我來卻聲無
You dont know Im alive / 你不知我在這呼吸中存活

Ever closer, ever nearer / 無法阻止自己向你靠近
When youre looking in the mirror / 當你凝視鏡中
I would know who you call / 我將聽到你無言呼喚之名
If I was a fly on the wall / 假如我是蟲在牆角落

From your head to your toes / 從你腳到頭
I would be there / 我將無孔不入
From your bed to your clothes/ 從你衣到褥
Im in the air/ 我穿梭在這空氣中
What you do on your own / 你暗地舉動
I could see all / 我你隱瞞不過
When you think youre alone / 當你以為私下人無
I would crawl / 我將在你房中

來源:t.A.T.u. 中文空間

Fly  on the wall 也是我在 t.A.T.u. 這張俄語版「幸福笑容」專輯當中喜愛歌曲的前 3 名,尤其那段像是布蘭妮在  2:40"「嗚哇」的部分,我特喜歡!

話說麥莉也有首歌叫做 Fly on the wall 貼壁蒼蠅,但是我覺得聽起來好普通啊!

Miley Cyrus - Fly On The Wall - Official Music Video

雖然她 MV 拍得蠻有點意思,也想要表達她很紅。可是,我覺得布蘭妮跟琳賽蘿涵比較漂亮吧!
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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2009/01/11 05:51
ღღ..〝珍惜 你眼前所擁有的〞~ღ
俄羅斯女子團體 t.A.T.u.(smartjsk) 於 2009-01-12 04:17 回覆:

謝謝!請慢慢享用 t.A.T.u. 的音樂!




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