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Super Bowl XLV Dinner
2011/02/07 11:26:56瀏覽735|回應3|推薦7

Super Bowl XLV is on and who are you hoping to win? It is the 45th annual edition of the Super Bowl in American football. The game is being played at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. It is Pittsburgh Steelers versus Green Bay Packers. I am rooting to Pittsburgh Steelers, but hey, it's anybody's game. Before the Super Bowl kickoff, Christina Aguilera sang the National Anthen "Star Spangled Banner". She had such an amazing voice!

Black Eyed Peas sang during the halftime show and Usher was also a part of it! Black Eyed Peas sang a compilation of their songs from Let's Get it Started to The Time (Dirty Bit). Usher sang OMG (Oh My Gosh).

And the winner of the Super Bowl XLV is... Green Bay Packers!! Final score is 25 (Pittsburgh Steelers)- 31 (Green Bay Packers).

For our Super Bowl dinner, we will be having barbecue rib soup. Doesn't that look yummy and scrumptious? We also had white rice along with the soup. Mmm Mmm good!!! 

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Super Bowl XLV Dinner
2011/02/09 06:23
Sounds like that you all had fun watching the Super Bowl game. Well, I, too, missed most of the game, including the half time shows. Pickup only about 15 minutes of the games till Green Bay scored 31, but I didn't stay till the end of the game.

The crock pot rib stew looks very appetizing! Well, I better stay vegi. :)  Don't forget to cite 大悲咒, the great compassion mantra, for the being sacrificed itself for your pleasures.

How did you spent your Chinese New Year? Did you have any whole fish and fa-gau?

~*Annie Oakley*~(sillydancer) 於 2011-02-13 05:58 回覆:

Song Shu Shu:

The Super Bowl game was awesome! I really enjoyed it and I also love watching the Rose Bowl too!! You should go on Youtube and watch Christina Aguilera's pre-show, she sang our national anthem and did you know that she messed up? How embarrasing! There were also military people watching her sing but didn't realize that she messed up.

For Chinese New Year, we had just the barbecue rib soup. It was so good!! No doubt about that!

Anyways, hope all is well!

Take care!

XLV 45th Supper Bowl
2011/02/08 02:11
Christina A. She tried, but a little pitching for her! I think she did ok. I watched the half time show was fun. Black eyed peas and Fergie were highly exciting. I missed the most of the game until 25: 28 at the 4th quarter. Anyway, Packers won the game. They are strong all the way from beginning. I was Steelers fan of Penn, but I like Packers as winning team! ~ Good for them.

BTW, the crockpot ribs is delicious, i don't like to cook and leave a mess at the kitchen, and the crockpot is great to use.

嵐山(Blue Mt.) 敬上

Christina Aguilera Messed Up In the USA National Anthem, 2011 Super Bowl 45
2011/02/07 13:25
好巧喔!妳也 PO Super Bowl ^ ^ 不過 Christina Aguilera 把國歌給搞砸啦,唱的不對呢!
現在 Youtube 討論的好厲害,她被人罵的要死耶!噯呦喂呀~