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Chinese/Taiwanese Sausages 香腸
2010/06/24 03:20:36瀏覽738|回應3|推薦11

Have you tried Chinese/Taiwanese sausages? If not, you should because it is very good! It comes in a variety of different sizes and lengths. An average sausage is about 6 inches (approximately 15 cm) long and 1 inch (approximately 2.5 cm) in diameter. Chinese sausage is darker and thinner than western sausages. The most common variety is made with pork and pork fat, but you'll also find other varieties made with duck liver and pork or even beef.The taste of Chinese sausage varies somewhat depending on the ingredients used, but it generally has a sweet-salty flavor. Chinese sausages can be purchased in Asian markets, either fresh or prepackaged. Chinese sausage nicely complements rice and vegetable dishes- the easiest way to cook the sausage is simply to add it on top of steaming rice. It should be stored in the refrigerator because it will last for several weeks and it can also be frozen.Taiwan also produces a similar form of sausage, however, it is emulsified and much sweeter in taste. These sausages are usually made by local butchers and sold at the markets. This variant of Chinese Sausage is known as xiangchang (香腸) in Mandarin Chinese, literally meaning fragrant sausage. Although much loved by Taiwanese everywhere, this type of sausage is not commonly available outside the region. People also make their own sausages at home with industrial ingredients.

( 休閒生活美食 )
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2010/06/27 09:15

Dr. Norton

是老饕行家﹐ 連香腸的名牌都知道。


Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
Never had enough
2010/06/27 00:41
黑橋牌 works for me! 每回去到臺灣的某一個城市, 我常會問在地人最好的香腸是那一家, 消息大抵正確, 都美味精緻, 有大異和小異。

2010/06/25 00:06

