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Is your hometown a good or a bed place for a young adult to live?
2007/05/14 20:44:15瀏覽407|回應0|推薦2

     Is your hometown a good or a bed place for a young adult to live

      My hometown, Taipei City, is the most famous and long-standing historical spot in Taiwan. In infrastructural development of the city constructions many years ago, it’s just like a little girl who is neat, bright as a new coin, then changed into a mature, well-informed, full of social experiments and charming woman. Every part of Taipei City is filled with a lively and energetic atmosphere. I don’t witness the whole alternation, but I can perceive the change brings about something brand-new that had ever gone through before. From the perspective of cultural awareness and job opportunities, my hometown is indeed a good place for young adults to live.

      In term of cultural awareness, it often arouses us admiring beautiful things around our bodies and also cleanse mundane drudgery from hearts in order to enhance satisfaction. Undoubtedly, Taipei is bulging of various public facilities, such as museums, concerts, art galleries, international conferences, and incorporates city’s original cultures and movies, music, European populations, lifestyles, to name just a few. By those different culture shocks, young adults absorb novel things elevating national conceptions and combine these with native awareness.

      In light of employment, young adults living in Taipei have more opportunities to accepting an ideal job. A good place to live should provide not only good public security which people need not to be dreadful but also fine working environments and decent Taipei and challenging jobs. Because of its metropolitan surroundings and high-consumption, attracts plenty of national corporations to invest heavily in many markets, thereby creating a lot of different job opportunities. For these reasons, young adults expecting to achieve self-value, conquest their utmost limits, and display talents. After all, Taipei is like a paradise where many diligent and ambitious young adults make their dreams come true.

      In brief, although some people grumble about congestion in transportation, air contamination, and hectic in my hometown, Taipei is full of vividness, diversity, and creativity. For vital young adults, Taipei City is actually a good place where people can find a chance to carry out their dreams.


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