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20200903~1010 The Lees在Irvine為超慈和旗揚慶生;家族在新竹餐敘為明暘慶生(附照片84張)
2020/10/25 17:59:40瀏覽166|回應0|推薦0

      目前雖然仍有冠狀病毒的疫情而無法飛渡太平洋,但藉著Line和Skype兩種應用程式讓我們台美兩地的親人仍可互通訊息、傳送照片,每天交流非常方便。9月3日、9月12日、10月10日分別是超慈、明暘和旗揚的生日,東西兩半球的家人很開心地為他們慶生,並且衷心祝福他們生日快樂、身體健康! 我們是在新竹飲茶為明暘慶生;李家七口則是外訂了好多充滿異國風味的美食在舒適的豪宅裡享用。

     Although it is presently impossible to fly across the Pacific Ocean due to the Covid-19 epidemic, our relatives both in Taiwan and the United States can still communicate with each other and send photos through the two applications of Line and Skype. It is very convenient to for us to keep in touch almost every day. September 3, September 12, and October 10 are the birthdays of George, Michael, and Chris, respectively. The family members in the eastern and western hemispheres are cheerful to celebrate their birthdays and heartily wish them happy birthdays and good health!

        We had a feast at a Cantonese restaurant in Xin-Zhu. And the Lees ordered some delicious dishes like Chicken Kabobs, beef koobideh, basmati rice, hummus with pita bread and salad and ate in George and Vivian’s gorgeous house . 

( 休閒生活美食 )
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