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轉載【龍騰技高英文教用手冊】第五冊第一課課本練習及習題解答 New
2024/09/09 22:33:34瀏覽34|回應0|推薦0

Lesson 1

Eye Got It (P. 5)

1. B   2. A   3. C

Comprehension (P. 9)

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D

Go Get Tip (P. 10)



Focal Point 1 (P. 16~18)

Practice A

1. Can you show me how ( I can / can I ) get to the train station?

2. If you check inž on Facebook, your friends will know where ( you are / are you ).

3. Nobody knows when ( an earthquake will happen / will an earthquake happen ).

4. Sean didn’t understand why ( was his girlfriend angry / his girlfriend was angry ) with him.

5. Dave wonders who ( gave him / did give him ) this special gift. It is a wonderful surprise!

Practice B

1. when you started learning Chinese

2. why you came to Taiwan

3. how you feel about school life

4. which places you have visited

5. what your favorite Taiwanese food is

Focal Point 2 (P. 19~20)


1. that the CEO had grown up in a poor family

2. that eating tomatoes can help people lose weight

3. the report that his company would close soon

4. the news that BLACKPINK would hold a concert in Taiwan

5. Andrew couldn’t accept the fact that his phone was broken beyond repair.

Listening (P. 21)

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C


Look at picture A for Question 1.

1. What is Carol’s job?

(A) She is a singer.

(B) She is a fashion designer.

(C) She is a tour guide.

(D) She is a firefighter.


Look at picture B for Question 2.

2. What is the man doing?

(A) He is jogging on the playground.

(B) He is taking pictures.

(C) He is shopping in a department store.

(D) He is eating in a restaurant.


Look at picture B again for Question 3.

3. Where is the man in the picture?

(A) He is at the airport.

(B) He is in a museum.

(C) He is in a shopping mall.

(D) He is at a tourist attraction.


Look at picture C for Question 4.

4. Which of the statements is true?

(A) The boarding gate is F21.

(B) The flight is at 7 p.m.

(C) Frank will be traveling to Hong Kong.

(D) This is Amy Wang’s ticket.


Look at picture D for Question 5.

5. Which of the statements is NOT true?

(A) Lady Liberty is dressed in a robe.

(B) The Statue of Liberty holds a tablet.

(C) Her crown has nine spikes.

(D) In her right hand is a torch.

Pop Quiz (P. 24)

1. B 2. A

Exercises (P. 25~27)


I. Vocabulary

1. construct  2. advice    3. glorious  4. independence 5. magnificent

6. enlightened 7. symbolizes 8. immigrants 9. admired    10. recommended


II. Grammar

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B


III. Guided Translation

1. made; of

2. take; note; of; glance

3. figure; out


IV. Cloze

1. C 2. C 3.B 4. A 5. D


V. Sentences

1. Greta holds the belief that climate change is everyone’s responsibility.

2. The history teacher asked Chad why this monument was built.

3. Please tell me where the fitting room is.


( 知識學習考試升學 )
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