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Oatmeal Coco-Nutters
2011/02/16 05:03:08瀏覽154|回應0|推薦2

Oatmeal Coco-Nutters

Non-Bake Cookie


2 cups of sugar

8 tablespoons unsalted butter (1 stick)

1/2 unsweetened cocoa powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon almond extract

1/2 cup soy bean milk

3 cups quick-cooking oatmeal (do not use instant)

1/2 cup chopped unsalted nuts (preferably toasted)

1/2 cup sweetened flaked coconut

Confectioners’ sugar (optional, for sparkling on top)


1> Combine the sugar and butter in a large saucepan over medium heat, stirring until butter has melted


2> Stir in cocoa powder, soy bean milk, increase heat to medium-high and bring just to a boil, cook for 5 mins, stirring often then remove from heat.

倒入巧克力粉, 豆漿, 開中火讓糖漿呈現有點滾開的樣子, 煮約5分鐘, 熄火.

3> Stir in vanilla and almond extract then let mix cool for 5 mins.

倒入香草精, 杏仁精攪拌均勻, 讓混合後的巧克力漿冷卻約5分鐘.

4> Stir in oatmeal, nuts, coconut, mix it until evenly coated. (The mixture will be a little runny but should be evenly coat the dry ingredients)

加入其他乾料, 攪拌均勻, 讓巧克力漿均勻的裹住乾料. (巧克力漿會有點水水的樣子, 但應該把所有的乾料都均勻的裹上)

5> Drop the mixture by rounded teaspoonfuls onto wax paper, spacing them fairly close together.

用圓形湯匙把裹上巧克力漿的餡料挖出, 放在蠟紙上.

6> Refrigerate 1-2 hours until firm. Sparkle with confectioners’ sugar if desired.

放進冰箱讓它冷卻成形, 約1-2小時.

7> Transfer to airtight containers; keep it in the refrigerator.


PS: 這是第一次做出來的餅乾連自己都說好吃的 :-) 但是有幾項試吃的結果跟大家分享....

a> 食譜上的糖份量太多, 下次再做的時候我會把糖減半

b> 因為材料做起來會不少, 全部用烤盤太擠, 分批冷藏的速度也會變太慢, 所以我用mini-muffin 的烤盤, 放在muffin cup 裡面, 既好看又容易收藏

c> 做完之後發現跟小時候喜歡吃的巧克力花生很相像, 應該可以用花生來代替原建議的果仁, 椰絲跟麥片





( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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