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2015/04/25 03:03:19瀏覽982|回應4|推薦42

這一次去佛洲清水灣,最大的收獲就是,與我婆婆和兩個上國中的小混混討論美國人名, 不知道誰在車上先起頭的,居然開始說起:左邊那位鄰居根本不叫BILL。。本名叫William..驚~未免也給他差太多了,我以前是有聽過 William 叫 Liam,這個我可以理解,啊就偷懶直接唸後面四個字母,Samuel 和 Samantha 叫Sam...

但是我左想右想,就是不會把比爾和威廉連在一起,歐婆婆又說:我們美國那個 Dick 也不是全都是“真”Dick,駕照拿來看一下。。原來本名叫 Richard...天啊~這我還真嚇一跳。。James 叫成 Jim 這個我聽過,也還好都是J字開頭。。。Dick=Richard..有沒有搞錯啊。。真是美國心海底針。。摸都摸不清!也還好我不是美國人,搞不清楚還算正常啦!懷疑




1. Why is Dick from Richard?

The name Richard is very old and was popular during the Middle Ages. In the 12th and 13th centuries everything was written by hand and Richard nicknames like Rich and Rick were common just to save time. Rhyming nicknames were also common and eventually Rick gave way to Dick and Hick, while Rich became Hitch. Dick, of course, is the only rhyming nickname that stuck over time. And boy did it stick. At one point in England, the name Dick was so popular that the phrase "every Tom, Dick, or Harry" was used to describe Everyman.

2. Why is Bill from William?

There are many theories on why Bill became a nickname for William; the most obvious is that it was part of the Middle Ages trend of letter swapping. Much how Dick is a rhyming nickname for Rick, the same is true of Bill and Will. Because hard consonants are easier to pronounce than soft ones, some believe Will morphed into Bill for phonetic reasons. Interestingly, when William III ruled over in England in the late 17th century, his subjects mockingly referred to him as "King Billy."

3. Why is Hank from Henry?

The name Henry dates back to medieval England. (Curiously, at that time, Hank was a diminutive for John.) So how do we get Hank from Henry? Well, one theory says that Hendrick is the Dutch form of the English name Henry. Henk is the diminutive form of Hendrick, ergo, Hank from Henk. Hanks were hugely popular here in the States for many decades, though by the early 90s it no longer appeared in the top 1,000 names for baby boys. But Hank is making a comeback! In 2010, it cracked the top 1,000, settling at 806. By 2013 it was up to 626.

4. Why is Jack from John?

The name Jack dates back to about 1,200 and was originally used as a generic name for peasants. Over time, Jack worked his way into words such as lumberjack and steeplejack. Even jackass, the commonly used term for a donkey, retains its generic essence in the word Jack. Of course, John was once used as a generic name for English commoners and peasants, (John Doe) which could be why Jack came became his nickname. But the more likely explanation is that Normans added -kin when they wanted to make a diminutive. And Jen was their way of saying John. So little John became Jenkin and time turned that into Jakin, which ultimately became Jack.

5. Why is Chuck from Charles?

"Dear Chuck" was an English term of endearment and Shakespeare, in Macbeth, used the phrase to refer to Lady Macbeth. What's this have to do with Charles? Not much, but it's interesting. However, Charles in Middle English was Chukken and that's probably where the nickname was born. 

6. Why is Peggy from Margaret?

The name Margaret has a variety of different nicknames. Some are obvious, as in Meg, Mog and Maggie, while others are downright strange, like Daisy. But it's the Mog/Meg we want to concentrate on here as those nicknames later morphed into the rhymed forms Pog(gy) and Peg(gy).

7. Why is Ted from Edward?

The name Ted is yet another result of the Old English tradition of letter swapping. Since there were a limited number of first names in the Middle Ages, letter swapping allowed people to differentiate between people with the same name. It was common to replace the first letter of a name that began with a vowel, as in Edward, with an easier to pronounce consonant, such as T. Of course, Ted was already a popular nickname for Theodore, which makes it one of the only nicknames derived from two different first names. Can you name the others?

8. Why is Harry from Henry?

Since Medieval times, Harry has been a consistently popular nickname for boys named Henry in England. Henry was also very popular among British monarchs, most of whom preferred to be called Harry by their subjects. This is a tradition that continues today as Prince Henry of Wales , as he was Christened, goes by Prince Harry. Of course, Harry is now used as a given name for boys. In 2006, it was the 593rd most popular name for boys in the United States. One reason for its upsurge in popularity is the huge success of those amazing Harry Potter books.

9. Why is Jim from James?

There are no definitive theories on how Jim became the commonly used nickname for James, but the name dates back to at least the 1820s. For decades, Jims were pretty unpopular due to the "Jim Crow Law," which was attributed to an early 19th century song and dance called "Jump Jim Crow," performed by white actors in blackface. The name "Jim Crow" soon became associated with African Americans and by 1904, Jim Crow aimed to promote segregation in the South. Jim has since shed its racial past, and is once again a popular first name for boys all by itself, sans James.

10. Why is Sally from Sarah?

Sally was primarily used as a nickname for Sarah in England and France. Like some English nicknames, Sally was derived by replacing the R in Sarah with an L. Same is true for Molly, a common nickname for Mary. Though Sally from the Peanuts never ages, the name itself does and has declined in popularity in recent years. Today, most girls prefer the original Hebrew name Sarah.


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2015/04/25 20:00
拉拉手活動我點名了妳柳,該妳接手了big grin
美國番媽(shiptosophia) 於 2015-04-26 16:18 回覆:

2015/04/25 16:10
美國番媽(shiptosophia) 於 2015-04-25 18:50 回覆:
Have a wonderful weekend!親

the dreamer girl
2015/04/25 09:43



the dreamer girl~~ 最新作品:

義大利- 菲拉拉(Ferrara)

美國番媽(shiptosophia) 於 2015-04-25 18:51 回覆:

2015/04/25 08:08



William = Will = Willy

臭乳呆音= Bill = Billy 

Richard = Rich

臭乳呆音= Dick (+ 錯把h看成k)





美國番媽(shiptosophia) 於 2015-04-25 18:54 回覆:
你是說臭“鈴”呆嗎?? 我家老三現在就是啊。。所以我都請老大當她的翻譯啦。。。啊兩三歲的小朋友說話都會這樣很口愛唷。。。我可以找一個我家鄰居去上電視節目,當時她四歲。。說話好可愛,她沒有什麼“臭”到。。。我家老三就比較嚴重,我時我還會聽不太懂她的狗語哩~我去找影片,希望可以放在這兒!開心
美國番媽(shiptosophia) 於 2015-04-25 19:03 回覆:
美國番媽(shiptosophia) 於 2015-04-25 19:04 回覆:

Here is her video!
