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2009/02/16 10:07:39瀏覽558|回應0|推薦0

以下是英小姐在Reader's Digest(讀者文摘)讀到的文章,大家參考一下。現在癌症「蔚為風尚」(哈哈 亂用成語= =+),多注意飲食習慣和生活作息是很重要的!(全文可以上讀者文摘下載喔~~)

1.    Serve sauerkraut at your next picnic.


2.    Eat your fill of broccoli, but steam it rather than microwaving it.


3.    Toast some Brazil nuts and sprinkle over your salad.


4.    Pop a calcium supplement with vitamin D.


5.    Add garlic to everything you eat.


6.    Sauté two cloves of crushed garlic in 2 tablespoons of olive oil (煸炒兩朵大蒜時要用兩匙橄攔油)

7.    Every week, buy a cantaloupe at the grocery store and cut it up after you put away your groceries. (每週去採買時要買哈密瓜)

8.    Mix half a cup of blueberries into your morning cereal.


9.    Learn to eat artichokes tonight. (今天就開始吃朝鮮薊)

10.  Coat barbecue food with a thick sauce. (燒烤時多沾烤肉醬)

11.  Every time you go to the bathroom, stop by the kitchen or water cooler for a glass of water. (每次上廁所時,記得要去廚房喝水)

12.  Take up a tea habit.(養成喝茶的習慣)

13.  Have a beer tonight.(今天晚上可以喝罐啤酒)

14.  Throw some salmon on the grill tonight.(煮點鮭魚來吃吧)

15.  Take a multivitamin every morning.(每天早上都要吃綜合維他命)

16.  Get about 15 minutes of sunlight on your skin each day.


17.  Carry a shot glass in your beach bag.(去曬太陽的時候包包裡要帶小酒杯)

18.  Cut a kiwifruit in half, then scoop out the flesh


19.  Use a condom and stick to one partner.


20.  Cut out high-fat animal protein. (少攝取動物油脂)

21.  Have your partner feed you grapes. (多吃葡萄)

22.  Sprinkle scallions over your salad. (吃沙拉時可以灑點青蔥)

23.  Make a batch of fresh lemonade or limeade.


24.  Take a 30-minute walk every evening after dinner.


25.  Buy organic foods.


26.  Learn to love dandelions.


27.  Buy clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned.


28.  Choose cucumbers over pickles, fresh salmon over lox.


29.  Switch from french fries and potato chips to mashed potatoes and pretzels. (用馬鈴薯泥代替馬鈴薯片和炸薯條)

30.  Go for a spray-on tan. (用噴式防曬)

31.  Call up your bowling pal and hit the lanes. (多打保齡球)

( 知識學習語言 )
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