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2011/09/13 20:55:37瀏覽1479|回應7|推薦177 | |
這是來自於一家名模攝影室的建議 -- a. 將你眼睛的焦點注目於鏡頭上方少許, 將你的臉微微向前移, 下巴朝下. (Focus your eyes just slightly above the camera lens, move your face forward a bit, and tip down your chin.) b. 將你的舌尖抵在牙齒之後, 並且微笑 (這麼做,會放鬆你的臉頰). (Put your tongue behind your teeth and smile, which relax your face.) c. 將你的雙手置於身體側面 (但不是黏貼在那裡). 要看起來自然的話, 雙手應該稍為離開身體. (Keep your arms by your side (but not glued there). To look natural, they should be a little away from your body.) d. 一般而言, 避免穿有花紋的衣服. (As a rule, avoid patterns.) e. (女士們) 相片會誇大妳的一切. 不要太濃妝. 30歲以下的女士們, 擦點睫毛膏和潤唇膏; 30歲以上的女士們, 加上少許的遮暇膏即可 (以上化妝品名詞,得助於一女性友人及格友Apple Blossom, 謝謝!). (for ladies) Photo exaggerates everything, so go easy on the makeup. For women under 30, a little mascara and lip gloss; over 30, add a touch of concealer. f. 練習傳統模特兒的擺勢 : 把身體朝著鏡頭轉3/4(見下圖),一腳在前另一腳在後,一邊的肩膀靠近攝影師. 當你正面對著鏡頭時,你的身體會顯得比較寬. (Practice the classic model pose: Turn your body ¾ of the way toward the camera, with one foot in front of the other and one shoulder close to the photographer. When you face straight forward, your body tend to look wider.) g. 站立照相時, 收小腹, 收緊臀部, 雙肩朝後, 伸直脊椎. (For standing photos, belly in, buttocks tight, shoulders back, spine straight.) h. 好好地研究很上相的人的照片, 以及你自己覺得最好看的照片. 注意看你最好看的角度. 你可能會發現自己在笑, 或者是在個很愉快的場合. 通常最好的照片, 是捕捉住一個人很放鬆或最活潑的時刻. (Study photogenic people as well as photos in which you think you looked best. Look at your best angle. You'll probably see that you were laughing or having a good time. Capturing someone when they're relaxed or most animated usually makes for the best results.) i. 要使自己覺得自在, 可以試著閉上眼睛, 在拍照之前,才慢慢地張開. (To feel at ease, try closing your eyes, then opening them slowly just before the photo is taken.) |
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