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Fruit Cream Cake
2019/12/16 10:09:33瀏覽91|回應0|推薦0
We celebrated my father-in-law’s birthday about 2 weeks ahead of time yesterday. The fruit cream cake I rushed to the bakery shop to take last morning was such a babe. The fresh whipped cream is ultra luxurious and not-too-sweeeet. After all the years, the most traditional flavor is still my fav. I was glad that I immediately found a bakery which can make a cake for the last-minute order. Last Sat night, we learned that they would come here getting a very important documents from my husband by midday on Sunday. I came to realize that they said they are not planning to celebrate my father-in-law birthday in Hakka restaurant by the end of month considering the newborn baby. I therefore called several shops but they all claimed that the birthday cake had to be ordered at least 3 days ago. Finally I found the one at 8pm telling me that they are able to make it and I can pick it up right after they open in the Sat morning. Mission completed!
( 休閒生活美食 )
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