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Why snow is slippery(雪地為什麼會滑)?
2006/02/23 15:50:52瀏覽681|回應6|推薦6

"Why the snow is so slippery?" Ethan asked me when we were sledging
in the snow park on Monday. I showed him how snow acted as a
lubricant between our feet and the ground underneath. It was why it
was so hard for him to keep balance on the snow.

"Like ice skating?" he asked me. Now, it was that one simple question
I had hard time to find a simple answer. I remember in the junior high
school, there was a very common question about "Why ice is slippery
for skaters?" in the physics test. "The pressure exerted along the
blade lowers the melting temperature of the top layer of ice, the ice
melts and the blades glides on a thin layer of water that refreezes
to ice as soon as the blades passes." Zach's father, Dan, who was
next to me, answered.

Is it really true? No, the answers might not be that simple, even the
textbooks are full of it. This was a question changed my way of
thinking when I was in junior high school, because I believe ice was
slippery even when you wear normal shoes, while the pressure applied
on the ice was supposed to be much less than the blades. Interesting
enough, two questions that made my teacher felt I was a
problematic student were both water related. Another one was
"Would water temperature exceed 100 degree C?" I would talk about
it in another article if I find time.

With this question in mind, I did study hard about physics, and ended up spending one year working for the Insitute of Atomic and Molecular
Sciences in Academia Sinica, where surface science was one of the
focuses. At that time, most of the research was about Laser, diamond,
or equipments related. Water cluster was a new topics that few
people were interested in, except crazy people like me. In recent years, things around the ice surface become more popular subjects. Georgia
Institude of Technology have used electron-simulated desorption to
study chemical reactions on icy surface. When NASA was designing
the Mars Lander, the icy surface of Mars was also under serious study.
Explaining ice, especially ice surface turn to be a big subject that
physists like to talk about.

In the thermal dynamics, subjects have multiple forms, other than
three, as our convention knowledge. Water, with the unusually
property that the solid form is less dense than the liquid form, is helping us to do some interesting researches. The lower dense of ice
makes ice to float on water, also means the melting temperature of ice can be lowered below the 32 degree Fahrenheit if pressure is applied
on the ice surface. This was how people came up with the explanation.
However, it failed in the recent research. Simplily speaking, the
melting temerature could be lowered to 31.97 degrees from 32
degrees. Yet, ice skaters still fall at temperature lower than that.

After the question was brought up, another explanation people came
up was friction. When something touches the ice, the friction helped
to melt the ice, and creates a layer of water, which would be slippery.
This was close to my explanation of snow was slippery. It was
my common sense knowledge, and some physists tried to use this
theory to replace the old one from textbook. However, they could not
be successful because most people believe that if you want to
replace a convention knowledge, you better find it is a good one
because ice can still be slippery if a person just stand still on ice.

About ten or a little bit more than ten years ago, when surface
scienses started to caught attention, one theory was brought up:
Maybe the surface of ice is just slippery, with or without any outside
impact.This is a typical surface science basic, on the surface, the
boundary condition changes since there is no molecule above the
surface ones to hold them in place. Thus, those top molecules just stay
as unfrozen liquid even the temperature is lower than the frozen point.

Now, physists like to tell you that there are two major reasons,
but the one in the textbooks is not one of them. In 1850, Faraday
put two ice cube against each other, and they fused together almost
immediately. And surface scientist started to study the ice surface
by applying some high-speed particles on the surface, and study the
reaction, a basic surface sciense technique. The founding was that there
is still partial water liquid at -235 degrees.

In one of the parties we had this year, a friends said a UC-Berkeley
professor was using atomic force microscope to study the ice surface
and found the friction on the ice was very high. Ice is not really that
slippery when you use a tip as big as a few atoms. And this professor
believed friction was the primary reason ice is slippery.

Scientists call Ice IceIh, the "h" stands for hexagonal, which is how
water molecules aligned. One of another variation is called Ice Ic, found
in ice crystals floating high up in the atmosphere, forms cubic
crystals. At different temperature and pressure condition, the bonds
rearranged. I can give you another example of water form, but maybe I
should write it in the Science magazine.

Simplily speaking, ice is more complicated than what we have been
taught. Whether there is water on other planet will determine whether
we will continue to explore another planet if one day earth is not going
to be in livable condition. How the pressure change the water form,
or ice form,will lead us to the next step of our space program, at least
the US space program.

However, for people in our generation, especially during the Winter
Olympics, can we give ourselves a simple answer on: Why ice is
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2007/05/19 21:54 【輕留軒之禕文系列】 Water


nothing special
From 'I want my mtv' to 'I want my blog'
2006/05/18 10:54

Wouldn't be so wonderful that we have the zone/blog/internet to communicate, that people owe a space to display whatever they think/believe, that we can see/read the great articles like 'why snow is slipery' or other's opinion?


Why ice is slippery(冰為什麼會滑)? and 淺談 "中文教育之撿討".
2006/03/08 04:49

I love your reply to me, and to my article: Why ice is slippery(冰為什麼會滑)?

Your experience is going to help you for the rest of your lives because you see the real people, and deal with them.  I am glad I read about what you wrote.

For the article, of course it was about human beings, not science.  If this is about science, the articles would have shown up in the Physics Today, Nature, or Sciences kind of journals or magazines.  This is an article that everybody should read, and digest.  It is so-called common knowledge.  Ironically, the "文言文" subject was brought up the day after I wrote this.  And that forced me to write another one about  淺談 "中文教育之撿討".

Education in Taiwan needs to be adjusted, same as in every country.  The world is chaging fast, and learn how to response is very important to us, the Taiwanese.  How much energy those stupid people spent to criticize the policy?  If they all knew what I talked about in the Ice story, they were qualified to voice their opinion.  Why people are so judgemental instead of being rational?  Yes, attacking is always easier than constructive actions.   They don't know they fall into their own mind trap.  Poor people.  For you, the young generation, I believe you know what you want.  My job is to guide you to the direct track.  Hope it helps.

2006/03/06 22:35

為什麼要做研究?這個問題他花了一個小時向我們說明,他舉了Bernoulli's priciple作說明(跟腦功能一點關係也沒有就是了),簡單的流體力學竟能讓飛機上升。也許一開始只是因為好奇,因為想知道,所以才有今日世界的便利與發展。

記得多年前看到一篇報導指愛因斯坦某理論正面臨挑戰時,我對唸物理的友人說:想不到愛因斯坦也可能出錯阿。她回:科學就是要這樣才會進步(害我接不下去= =)。生科系教授曾說過,我們對人的瞭解少的可以,連為什麼我們有五根手指都無法回答。心理學研究唸多了也漸體會科學沒有絕對,不劃地自限的學習是老教授讓我學習到的。


2006/02/25 13:12

大抵上過合歡山的都知道 , 如果冬季遇到下雪, 得雪地加鍊才能放行 , 因為雪地行車非常危險, 所以有所管制 !

有一回幾輛車隊結伴, 前兩天廣播中說天氣還可以, 上山應該沒問題 ! 哪裡曉得氣候變化如此之大, 人車上到武嶺 前數百公尺 , 前面怎會成了停車場 ? 冒著嚴寒,下車步行到最前面去探勘 , 原來那裡是背陽面 , 地面結了薄薄的冰層 , 第一輛車差點溜下山谷, 成了冤魂 ----車子打滑 ! 束手無策之際 , 只好枯等 , 等太陽出來 , 等冰層融化,

大自然的威力在此顯現, 由不得你不臣服 ! 約莫過了一個多小時 , 前頭車隊確定安全無虞 , 大家才小心翼翼啟動油門 , 用的是低速檔 , 慢慢通過 , 心裡還不斷禱告著,

那是很特別的一次經驗 ! 人類的渺小危脆再度顯露無疑! 冰當然是會滑的, 它足以使噸位再重的車子瞬間翻落山坡, 明白其危險性, 人類的警覺性相對就提高, 冰層的存在是見得著的危險, 只要小心就可以避開; 但生活中有多少是看不見的冰層呢? 它足以殺人不見血, 連屍首都無處覓尋 !

真理是什麼  ? 真理往往躲在事實的背後, 有道是「眼見為真」都不一定真, 何況人云亦云 , 何況只從片面解析 ? 每一個人心中都有一把尺, 衡量所謂善惡是非往往也很絕對, 所以主觀意識投射之餘, 別忘了要留下客觀的省思空間 , 歷史事件論斷如此 , 日常生活亦然 !  

淺見交流 ....


Why study ice, the surface science of ice?
2006/02/24 22:48
Why study ice, the surface science of ice? That is a good question.
Of course in sports, hockey players can do more tricks on the field.
Ski team can make better ski according to the new findings.

Seriously, in Canada, they found ice is a "protonic" semiconductor.
Current flows 100 times better on the qeuasi-liquid layer than solid
ice. This technology now is used by U.S. and Canadian power companies,
sends high-frequency electrical signals along power cables to do just
that. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have used a
technology ESD electron-stimulated desorption to study the chemical
reactions in icy surface and such study could lead to a better
understanding of chemical reactions taking place in Antarctica. Also,
it was found that hydrochloric acid (HCl) dessociates quickly upon
contact with icy surface. This study could be found on a paper in the
Physical Review Latters.

Study the strength of bonds in chemicals is a very important piece for
the modern technology. Lots of semiconductor fabrication procedures
require knowledge of chemical bounds of certain material for material
to deposit on the silicon and make silicon become sgood conductor.

How ice forms, actually will help us to understand whether there is
more water/ice in the inner earth. And we are extending the technology
to aerospace in order to decide which planet can be the future home for
human beings.

Philosophically, study ice can help us to understand the complex of
forms of materials, instead of being trapped into the three-states
theory as we are all familiar with. I wrote this article just because
people tend to think we know enough about things around us, while we
actually don't.

Great article
2006/02/23 17:10

But, allow me to ask a stupid Q.

Why study the surface of ice?

In what way it affect our daily lives beside Olympics?