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Define us: The "Diverged" unfinished
2005/12/23 04:26:30瀏覽1057|回應0|推薦10

The girl from the article "Diverged" wrote an email back. Apparently, she read the "Diverged". Only one simple question was asked in the email: "Define us."

The man thought:

Define us?

Define you: At the starting block on your life, you have too many things to prove.

Define me: I am 37, still single. I don't want to be on your way.

After spending couple trips to California, playing basketball with four men in the same age, watching the Eagles' concert in San Jose, living with friend's family, he realized what he needed.. He saw the other man, married in the early 20's, doing the soul searching himself in Europe. He saw another man married late, but settling down well. He couldn't define "he and her" in simple words. He needs to think.

"Define us: Diverged."

He wrote back as the words on the screen blurred. She was right. If it takes me that much time to define "US", there is no US sharing the life under the same roof...

The girl was very brilliant. The man, was determined.

( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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