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台灣阿民 有兩把刷子
2007/04/04 09:54:56瀏覽372|回應0|推薦1



王建民飛上枝頭做「鳳凰」,英文近似的說法是“sparks”,取其雖為星星之火,卻有無窮潛力,引領風騷。西諺「心智不容荒蕪」(A mind is a terrible thing to waste.),旨在勸學;西方按衣領顏色把職業分成白領、藍領(white collar or blue collar),類似中國「萬般皆下品,唯有讀書高」(直譯:to be a scholar is to be the top of society.)的觀念。王建民幫忙打破了這種讀書至上的迷思。

台灣阿民 有兩把刷子

例:“This team has a couple sparks this season. We will see in the coming years if they become as great as we expect them to be.”「這支球隊有些年輕好手正要嶄露頭角,能否成器且讓我們拭目以待。」

“I want to go to graduate school and travel around the world because a mind is a terrible thing to waste!”「我想進研究所深造,還想周遊列國,因為我不想浪費上天賦予我的聰明才智。」

要在球壇嶄露頭角,不能光靠天橋把式(a jack of all trades, but a master of none.)唬人,而真要身懷兩把刷子(master of the trade)服人。除了球技,心態上更要克苦耐操,頂得住票房壓力打死不退(an ironman),才能夠像貝克漢,轉到美國足壇,就簽下一紙2.5億美元契約,變成人氣超強(people's per-son)的足球天王。

例:”Morris is a master of the trade for the company. He is the most de-pendable troubleshooter and it is no wonder that he is now the CEO.”「老莫身懷絕技,戰功彪炳,果然被拔擢為公司總經理。」

Cal secured several consecutive con-tracts for the company. He is the best ironman that we have ever seen!”「卡爾連續力保幾個訂單沒有流失,是公司最重要的台柱。」

“Britney complains about photogra-pher's never leaving her alone but she wanted to be a people's person and now she is.”「布蘭妮想變成人氣天后,現在記者成天跟拍,苦不堪言。」

球團精明 不當冤大頭

王建民拒簽合約挨罰,表面是向球團表達未重視他去年勝投王的不滿;背後的意義是用不簽約來增加以後的談判籌碼。所以犧牲不是肉包子打狗,年薪毫無成長空間(stuff money in a mattress)。

王建民還沒有薪資仲裁資格,球團也不會做冤大頭(lemming),花大錢簽一個還沒有薪資仲裁資格的菜鳥。王選擇繼續留在洋基,享受其他球隊少有的全國轉播曝光率,對於日後身價絕對有利,因此也不是做白工。總之,王雖不滿意,但也可以接受(take it with a grain of salt)。

例:“If you want your money make money for you, you shouldn't just stuff it in a mattress.”「你若想以錢滾錢,就要想辦法活用它。」

“This guy has been talking to the same scam artist for an hour now, he is such a lemming!”「那人和歹徒談了一小時,看起來就像個冤大頭。」(註:lemming是北極旅鼠,有集體跳海習性。90年代美國風行一款以旅鼠為主角的電玩,此後旅鼠在美國變成呆瓜之意。)

“Tiger Wang knew he didn't get that salary he wanted, but he just took it with a grain of salt and kept doing his best.”「王建民知道薪水不如預期,但他接受目前的待遇,更繼續全力打拚。」

大聯盟球員身價有巨細靡遺的出賽紀錄做佐證,身價是由三振幾人、打擊率高低來決定,更取決於廠商贊助、廣告、轉播、門票各種收入。換言之,球團老闆深知王建民對球隊的價值,也根據透明化的數據給薪。這種「一分錢一分貨」(you get what you pay for)的市場規律,類似孫子兵法用間篇所指,「君賢將,動而勝人,成功出眾者,先知也。」的兵法規律。王建民的薪資去留,不是台灣立法委員發起一人一信給洋基,就能輕易改變的。

例:“If you don't get what you paid for, you may be able to dispute the charges with your credit card company.”「如果你對帳單有疑慮,你可以向信用卡公司申訴。」 


source: http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN11/3785047.shtml




















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