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I belong to this type腰粗女性 I should wake up to do something
2007/02/23 05:58:28瀏覽449|回應0|推薦2
醫學研究:腰粗女性 罹患子宮癌機率大增



負責這項調查研究的教授范德瑞契(Christine Friedenreich)指出,這項大型研究清楚顯示,肥胖提高婦女罹患子宮癌的風險,腹部有「游泳圈」對健康十分不利。




I start to eat a steamed sweet potato, three kinds of vegetables and fruits as my breakfast with my mom. After reading those articles, I figure out that I should change my life style and foster a regular diet of eating more vegetables and fruits, cultivate an excellent habit of exercising every day, and be sure to catch z's before twelve in order to play my own roles of Cinderella and sleeping beauty well. I am determined to develop a healthier and happier life style in order to live longer and happier with my parents. I have to take good care of myself, otherwise, I am not supposed to have the energy and time to take good  care of them. So, wake up, Helen. Be active in developing a healthier life style and be healthier.
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