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A Funny Joke
2007/02/02 22:44:11瀏覽410|回應1|推薦4

Joke share with you~

A guy goes to his father and introduces his new girlfriend, saying, "Dad, this is Nicole, my new girl friend, I think I'm going to marry her." His father looks at the girl, pulls her to the side and asks her, "Is your mom's name Rachel?", The girl says yes, "Is she a nurse?, yes, says the girl. The father pulls the son to the side and says to him, "Son, I don't think you should marry this girl because she may be your sister!"

The guy is disappointed, calls off his engagement and months later introduces another girl to his father. Dad, he says, "This is Heather, my new girlfriend and I think I'm going to marry her." Same thing happens, the father talks to the girl and advises his son not to pursue the relationship since there is a good chance that the girl could be his sister."

This scenario repeats itself a few more times. Finally, the guy goes to his mother, all frustrated and tells her the story. His mom says to him, "Son, go ahead and marry any of these girls that you wish. Your dad doesn't know it, but you are not his son!!!"


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風雨作家- 祝心想事成 健康ˇ
2008/09/05 21:02

This is very nice one

I like it a lot

開拓生命中的無情荒地 ____ ___ 舞出愛情中的有晴天
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2008-09-05 23:01 回覆:
Glad to know you like it.