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2007/01/27 22:39:26瀏覽180|回應0|推薦2


* The owner of a company tells his employees:

You worked very hard this year. The company's profits increased dramatically.

As a reward, I’ll give everyone a check for US$ 5000.

If you work with the same zeal next year, I'll sign those checks.

* Eve to Adam: Do you love me?

Adam nonchalantly: Who else?

* A Girl: At weddings old aunts used to tease me saying "You are next, you are next." But they stopped it since I started doing the same to them at funerals...!!

Q: What did the gangster's son tell his dad when he failed his examination?

A: Dad they questioned me for 3 hours but I never told them anything."

Q: Why was math book depressed?

A: It had nothing but problems.



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