天路(今日當如何) 逸名 子建 Derek 王明 石永芳 Ricardo Odelia 陸荃~活得像窮人,擁有許多錢 默白
KK音標檔案下載 : 2005-04-26_082206_BYPH.zip 下載檔案並且解 .ZIP 壓縮檔後會有三個檔案
複製音標 "BYPH.TTE" 檔案
開啟"開始" " 控制台" "字型" ,打開『字型』這個資料夾,將『音標 "BYPH.TTE』貼上
要使用的時候需都打開kkph 這個檔案來作業
I don't know if teaching Phonics is part of what ESL teachers do in Taiwan, but it is essential that learners, especially children, learn it because you don't see English speakers carrying a dictionary checking out the pronunciation of a new word when they see one.
For me, whatever kind of phonetic system is fine as long as the learners know what sound each symbol represents.
I can't agree more.
But KK is one of the phonetic systems which ESL learns to pronounce NEW words.