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Christmas Party on 12/18
2009/12/16 09:43:22瀏覽607|回應1|推薦29

Class        Show

A      Christmas Poems (聖誕詩文)創作

BF     Last Christmas (去年聖誕) 歌曲

C      Merry Christmas g. VS Three Little Pigs and Santa

(聖誕快樂 VS 三隻小豬與聖誕婆婆) 作文發表 VS 短劇

D      Maggie, Robin & The Beanstalk (Maggie, Robin與魔豆) 短劇

E      City Mouse & Country Mouse (城市老鼠&鄉下老鼠) 角色扮演 

Kathy & Jane

Merry Christmas.

Eat a big Christmas dinner.

Read a lot of books about Christmas.

Ride on a sleigh with reindeers like Santa Claus.

You can also write a Christmas card to Santa Claus and make a ginger bread man which is worn Santa Claus’ clothes.


Cheer up! Cheer up! Santa Claus is coming to town.

Happy Christmas is always said by Santa Claus.

Remember, you have to hang up stockings beside the bed before going to bed.

In addition, it’d better not light a fire under the chimney.

Santa Claus will be scared away if there is a fire under the chimney.

Then, you can’t get any gifts from Santa Claus.

Maps? Does Santa have any maps? Can he remember all the good kids’ home addresses?

Actually, he has a secret weapon~~~ GPS.

So, Santa is an old man who catches up with the trend.



Tina & Alice & Fiona

Many people celebrate Christmas on December 25th every year.

Everyone feels excited and will buy a present for his or her lover on Christmas.

Red and green will be the focus on Christmas.

Remember to buy a present to exchange gifts with your friend because it will be truly fun.

Yeah, I can’t wait to celebrate Christmas. Yummy food, green Christmas trees, red stockings, loud music and white snow will make your party become better.

Choose a present and put it into a stocking or hang up a stocking beside the bed when making a wish on Christmas Eve.

Hope all the wishes will be realized in the upcoming 2010.

Romantic, romantic, romantic! Christmas can be a romantic holiday for lovers and family members.

Invite your friends to the Christmas party and enjoy White Christmas with Christmas carols.

Santa Claus will help you to make the wish come true.

Time to write Christmas cards to parents, teachers and friends.

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Good tidings to you wherever you are.

A brand new year 2010 will be a good year with high spirits and hardworking attitude.

So, let’s enjoy our Christmas Party tonight.



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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lots of fun
2009/12/17 02:06
It looks that everyone had lots of fun. Wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-12-17 06:58 回覆:

Haha, yeah. They feel nervous for performing in front of others, but I always remind them of having fun even though they are nervous.

Thanks for your message and blessing.

Wish you a Merry Christmas!