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2009/07/05 08:02:53瀏覽815|回應0|推薦2 | |
引用文章盤放之間 引用文章游走 圖片來源: http://gb.news.sina.com/beauty/p/2007/1114/1004585948.shtml 兩條麻花辮 天真可愛唷 自己編辮子 自己解辮子 髮絲情思長 髮香情意香 不繃不痛了 不悶不熱了 盤放之間選 舒服自在樂 兩全其美逸 三千煩惱絲 編成麻花辮 化作赤子心
Thanks Amanda for sharing her lovely drawing with me. So surprised to see Amanda's beautiful and perfect drawing as a gift. Thanks again for Amanda's kindness and generosity. I love Amanda's written words as well as lovely and imaginary drawings which are just like dancing fairies with magic wings and magic spells. Facing the wind, the sense of happiness can be felt........ Waving hands passionately........... Dancing with two long braids of graceful hair........... Imagining something wondrous in the daydream in the dreamland... Wow, what a lovely sense of happiness...... Wow, what an enjoyable fun with excitement.......... 哈哈 興奮 兩條 麻花 長辮 也許 左右 兩條 看似 不同 卻是 相同 路徑 不論 游走 遊走 多久 多遠 殊途 還是 同歸 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |