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Two kinds of people
2008/12/11 21:58:34瀏覽738|回應0|推薦24

Two kinds of people on earth can be seen: the people who lift and the people who lean.
--Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

I am a quote lover. It is my habit to read some inspiring quotes every day. It is not bad to be a lifter from time to time, but it is necessary to be a leaner as well.

No one can be a superman all the time although he is my super idol forever.

It is OK to show your weakness or have some shortcoming. It will be all right to depend on others. However, when it is time to be strong and independent, be confident to show your talent and trustworthy or reliable personality.

Haha, I don't want to be a Superwoman all the time.

Haha, I wish to be a naughty, immature, kind, friendly and naive girl who can rely on someone else from time to time.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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