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2008/06/13 07:12:21瀏覽520|回應4|推薦17


The first step towards the solution of any problem is optimism.--John Baines

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For your reference
2008/06/17 07:55

Wisdom is having gained knowledge, understanding, experience, discretion, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these qualities well. It is the judicious application of knowledge.


To some extent the terms wisdom and intelligence have similar and overlapping meanings. The status of wisdom or prudence as a virtue is recognized in cultural, philosophical and religious sources.




Happiness(s222460428) 於 2008-06-17 09:26 回覆:

To be honest, I read the above message before you shared here. Originally, I just wanted to cut and paste the above message as a response. Later, I figure out everyone has his special talent of dealing with issues with his own style wisdom.

Wisdom can't be taught
2008/06/17 07:22

I agree that wisdom can't be taught, but experiences with a reflective thinking, the courage of taking the responsibility, the braveness of trying again, the curosity of knowing more and deeper, or even the consistence of patience can contribute to develp one's wisdom. After all, we should be responsible for something which can't be taught and learn it with a positive and aggressive attitude. Maybe that is why we become wiser. I remember there is a quote--"Once bitten, twice shy. " which indicates that once we got hurt, we would dare not to try again. Maybe this is also another aspect of wisdom--self-protection in a passive way. However, if one who holds active and positive attitude, he/ she will keep trying because he/she believes that failure is the mother of success. Everyone has his own wisdom either in a passive way or active way.


I agree but how?????
2008/06/16 21:12

I do agree that wisdom, skill and virtue are important elements in education. But the key issue is how.  We could teach students skill but thing like wisdom could not be taught.

2008/06/15 03:22


我個人覺得 ... 美德可以千千萬萬種

例如, 美德也可以是→願意以同理心去聆聽 ^^